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SafeScript NSW’s new approval management functionality

SafeScript NSW’s new approval management functionality will mean that prescribers (medical, nurse and dental practitioners) will be able to:

  • apply online for approval to prescribe or supply certain Schedule 8 medicines
  • in some cases, be issued approvals in real time
  • monitor application progress
  • view patient approval (previously referred to as an authority) history
  • have visibility of the number of active approvals held
  • see all approvals held within their organisations.

Pharmacists will be able to view a summary of OTP approval information in the system, including:

  • the approval number (previously referred to as authority),
  • start and end dates
  • OTP dosing points
  • prescriber, patient, drug, and maximum dose information.

Justice Health and public OTP clinic support employees (such as registered nurses and administration support employees) who are involved in the OTP process will be able to access the system through an invitation from a prescriber. Once accepted, these employees will be able to see:

  • approval number (previously referred to as authority),
  • start and end dates
  • OTP dosing points
  • prescriber, patient, drug, and starting and maximum dose information.

How will SafeScript NSW benefit me?

The enhanced SafeScript NSW functionality offers:

  • Improved efficiency:
  1. known information is pre-populated into the online application form, reducing time spent
  2. completing applications
  3. provides clear prompts to support application completion and minimise the chances of errors
  4. in some cases, approvals may be granted in real-time, reducing turnaround time and enabling prescribers to commence treatment sooner
  5. allows prescribers to monitor the status of all their applications in real-time, minimising the need to contact Pharmaceutical Regulatory Unit (PRU) to enquire about application status

• Greater compliance and support:

  1. provides increased support to comply with legislative obligations by guiding the prescriber on whether an approval is required
  2. provides prescribers with an overview of applications submitted and approval history when needed.

What happens to my current approvals?

Active approvals will be visible in the SafeScript NSW portal and will be visible for 2 years after they expire or are cancelled or exited.
Prescribers will be able to see applications submitted and the status they’re in. Additionally, they will see:

  • the clinic/organisation and patient name,
  • medicine as well as the maximum approved dose and the proposed starting dose
  • start and end dates
  • OTP dosing point information (saved within the patient profile)

Prescribers will also start receiving notifications to their nominated email regarding the progress on any of the applications that have been submitted to the Pharmaceutical Regulatory Unit (PRU) for all approval types regardless of method of submission.

If you have recently submitted an application to PRU, please note that your application may take a few days to appear in SafeScript NSW. You do not need to reapply online.

Change of terminology

NSW Health has updated terminology currently used from ‘authorities’ to ‘approvals’ to distinguish it from Commonwealth PBS authorities. In SafeScript NSW, an approval is a reference to an authority issued under the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act 1966.

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