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Events - Submitted

Hunter New England Public Health Update

The multiple health and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to be experienced by communities and healthcare providers across our region. Please join us for this Public Health update providing current information and advice on emerging public health and COVID-related issues including immunisation, the health impacts of long COVID and frequently asked questions.

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Events - Submitted

Digital identity 101: The foundation of the Modern Healthcare System

Evolving, borderless networks and increased risks of cyberattacks require a new security game plan. The approach needs to be strategically rooted in digital identity, with a sharp focus on balancing data protection and user convenience.

This webinar highlights the challenges and opportunities of this shifting landscape, including:

• What exactly is digital identity, what are its key components, and why is it so important for healthcare?

• Tools to assess transition readiness, and solutions comprising the foundation of a digital identity strategy

Learn More Learn more about Digital identity 101: The foundation of the Modern Healthcare System
Events - Submitted

Chronic kidney disease: a multidisciplinary team approach to reducing risk by individualising medicine management

Hosted by NPS MedicineWise in collaboration with Kidney Health Australia and the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO), this webinar for health professionals brings together a GP, pharmacist and nurse practitioner along with a person living with CKD. The panel discussion will focus on a person-centred multidisciplinary team approach to care to slow the progression of CKD and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. RACGP and ACRRM accreditation for 2 points pending approval.
Learn More Learn more about Chronic kidney disease: a multidisciplinary team approach to reducing risk by individualising medicine management
Events - Submitted

Transforming Treatment in CKD

This meeting aims to facilitate discussion around challenges of diagnosis and management of Chronic Kidney Disease in primary care, with a focus on new clinical evidence, indications and treatment guidelines. It aims to help you identify patients at risk of CKD and which patients may be suitable for treatment with Forxiga (dapaglifozin)
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Events - Submitted

Trans-Affirming Practice

Expand your accessibility to clients by providing a safe and inclusive space that promotes and delivers exceptional trans-affirming care. Learners can expect to increase their knowledge, skills, and confidence when working with trans and gender diverse people in health and wellbeing settings. Facilitated by a qualified ACON facilitator this training will help you expand your understanding of trans and gender diverse people and communities through discussion with like-minded professionals, video testimonials, and engaging in learning activities. The training also includes a component with a GP experienced in gender-affirming healthcare, offering an introduction to medical gender affirmation including hormone therapy. This education is a CPD Accredited Activity under the RACGP CPD Program.
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