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Events - Submitted

Lunch & Learn for Allied Health: Working with Multicultural Communities, TIS, Disabilities and NDIS

This session will explain the changes to TIS (Translating Interpreter Service) in the New England region and how to register your practice for TIS. We will then explore the pathways available for Allied Health Professionals in the assisting of clients accessing NDIS, Carers pensions etc., and the often unknown and untapped assistance available from Services Australia.

Learn More Learn more about Lunch & Learn for Allied Health: Working with Multicultural Communities, TIS, Disabilities and NDIS
Events - Submitted

Seasonal Respiratory & Other Challenges: Influenza, Respiratory Syncytial Virus & Meningococcal B.

The Benchmarque Group are delivering a free webinar around various aspects of immunisation related to the upcoming winter season including:

• The essentials of influenza vaccination; and

• Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV): what does the clinical picture look like in the infected infants? Are there treatments available to protect against infection? When is the long anticipated RSV vaccine coming?

Learn More Learn more about Seasonal Respiratory & Other Challenges: Influenza, Respiratory Syncytial Virus & Meningococcal B.

my health

my health, is an Australian Digital Health Agency owned and managed app, and is the latest digital tool developed by the Agency to help consumers and their carers engage with and be proactive in managing their health.

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Events - Submitted

Incorporating PBMT Into Everyday Clinical Practice: A Chiropractor’s Perspective

Learning Objectives:

- Lindy and Pavle Kuburic’s personal MLS® therapeutic laser story - results, observations, and experiences

- How to integrate MLS® laser into your practice

- How MLS® laser can complement your way of treating different conditions

- MLS® laser and your patients: The Leadership Game.


Dr Lindy Kuburic, CEO and Principal Chiropractor at Balanced for Life, NSW

Pavle Kuburic, COO and Laser Guru at Balanced for Life, NSW

Learn More Learn more about Incorporating PBMT Into Everyday Clinical Practice: A Chiropractor’s Perspective
Events - Submitted

Online and digital approaches to support wellbeing in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people often experience barriers to seeking help. These include a lack of culturally appropriate services and geographical remoteness.

Online and digital approaches that are community-led can address some of these barriers and support the resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families.

This webinar will feature three Aboriginal presenters that will share their expertise in innovative, Aboriginal-led, online and/or digital programs including: Baby Coming You Ready?, WellMob First Nations , SMS4DeadlyDads and the Stay Strong AIMhi for Youth App.

Learn More Learn more about Online and digital approaches to support wellbeing in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families
Events - Submitted

Health Literacy Development with Ophelia Masterclass

A 2-day masterclass led by the globally recognised founder of health literacy development and the Ophelia (Optimising Health Literacy and Access) process Distinguished Professor Richard Osborne. This masterclass is for managers, executives, health professionals, health planners, policy makers, researchers, and those active in health promotion and community services. This masterclass will: Demonstrate how to build fit-for-purpose interventions to reduce inequity in health service access and engagement. Introduce Ophelia, a structured process for identifying and responding to health literacy needs. Measure health literacy with the Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ) and eHealth Literacy Questionnaire (eHLQ) including their relevance to needs assessment, evaluation, and quality improvement.
Learn More Learn more about Health Literacy Development with Ophelia Masterclass
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