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Events - Submitted

Managing Multimorbidity Webinar Series 2023 - Primum non nocere (First, do no harm)

Target audience: GPs and Nurses

In Vivo Academy is bringing back its popular webinar series “Managing Multimorbidity”. The first live webinar will be held with A/Prof. Gary Kilov (GP, Director of the Launceston Diabetes Clinic Clinical Associate Professor, University of Melbourne; Honorary Associate Professor, University of Sydney) as presenter and Prof. Mieke van Driel (Emeritus Professor of General Practice, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Queensland) as moderator.

Learn More Learn more about Managing Multimorbidity Webinar Series 2023 - Primum non nocere (First, do no harm)
Events - Submitted

The Royal Children's Hospital GP Paediatric Health Program

The RCH Education Hub is excited to present the Paediatric Health Education Program for General Practitioners. Registration is open. To register and access the program page please log in via the link.

The next live webinar will be presented by Dr Rod Phillips and the topic is "Vascular Birthmarks and Infantile Haemangiomas".

The multifaceted education program has been designed for General Practitioners and includes: monthly live interactive webinars (recordings available), an online chat forum, resources, and feedback to support your practice in paediatric health care. For more information please contact the Education Hub via

Note: We recommend you use your personal email address to register, as your work organisation may block emails from the RCH learning portal.

Learn More Learn more about The Royal Children's Hospital GP Paediatric Health Program
Events - Submitted

Practical tips: How to incorporate shingles discussions with patients aged ≥50 years old

​Hear from a fellow GP, Dr Charlotte Hespe, as she discusses some common barriers to proactively incorporating shingles prevention discussion in your practice and provides helpful tips and tools to support you in starting the conversation with your patients.

The presentation will be followed by a Q&A.

Learning Objectives:

Discuss the impact of shingles on patients and identify who is at risk, Examine the clinical profile of SHINGRIX, Develop strategies to incorporate shingles discussions in your practice


Charlotte Hespe Associate Professor - is a GP and Practice Owner in Glebe. She also works as Head of GP and Primary Care Research for UNDA. Charlotte is Chair, NSW/ACT Faculty Council RACGP. She has submitted a PhD on Implementation of Best Practice guidelines in the real world of Australian General Practice – using cardiovascular disease preventive care as the topic for the opportunity to improve.

Learn More Learn more about Practical tips: How to incorporate shingles discussions with patients aged ≥50 years old
Events - Submitted

LUMOS: Insights and Opportunities - Mastermind

This Mastermind session will demonstrate to general practices how LUMOS provides significant insights into how patients interact with the health system outside of your individual practice. Lumos provides individualised practice data that is comparable against deidentified averaged data sets with other participating practices across NSW, covering a variety of different indicators. This supports data driven decision making which assists in focused quality improvement processes where they're most needed.

Learn More Learn more about LUMOS: Insights and Opportunities - Mastermind
Events - Submitted

Hepatitis C for Nurses and Midwives

This free training course is delivered over 2 half-day sessions online and provides nurses and midwives with the knowledge and confidence to increase screening and management of hepatitis C in primary care settings.

Online Training One: Friday 14 April 2023, 9:30am – 12:30pm (AEST)

Online Training Two: Saturday 22 April 2023, 9:30am – 12:30pm (AEST)

Learning Objectives - by the end of this training, participants will be able to:

• Describe risk factors for HCV, enabling discussions with patients around prevention

• Discuss HCV serology to identify opportunities for screening, testing and linkage-to-care

• Explain the role of nurses and midwives in providing culturally appropriate care, free from stigma and discrimination, to people from priority populations

• Explain the role of nurses and midwives in the management of chronic HCV, advanced liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma

• Outline strategies for supporting patients with medication adherence

Learn More Learn more about Hepatitis C for Nurses and Midwives
Events - Submitted

HPMI - CPR Resuscitation (BLS-CPR) Skills in General Practice

5 Category 2 CPR CPD Points from RACGP via Medics for Life 1 Performance review PDP unit, 2 Educational activity PDP units for ACRRM members Basic Life Support (CPR) course specifically designed for all the practice team and all primary care settings Includes separate clinical components for GP and nursing staff, using practice comparable equipment A certificate of Completion will be provided
Learn More Learn more about HPMI - CPR Resuscitation (BLS-CPR) Skills in General Practice
Events - Submitted

INSIGHT Into Parkinson's 2023

INSIGHT brings you over 25 presentations from Parkinson’s experts, covering medicine, research, care, health, and wellbeing. It’s a not to be missed annual event. INSIGHT 2023 is a three-day online global conference that is FREE for people to attend (days 1 & 2). Day 3 of the conference is dedicated to health professionals working with people with Parkinson’s, which requires payment.
Learn More Learn more about INSIGHT Into Parkinson's 2023
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