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Events - Submitted

3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated Care - Building healthcare system sustainability and resilience

A new focus on preventative health, particularly for socially and economically disadvantaged communities is required to support better outcomes for all. This conference will focus on taking an equitable approach to designing and delivering health and care services, working across multiple organisations, health and care agencies, but also policing and housing and other support agencies, and including the NGO and the community sector.

Learn More Learn more about 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated Care - Building healthcare system sustainability and resilience
Events - Submitted

MLS Laser Therapy: Therapeutic Solutions in Sport Injuries

Intended Audience: Pain management specialists including neuropathic pain. Sports medicine leaders including sports injuries, sports performance, and sports recovery.

Rehabilitation medicine specialists.

Learning Objectives: Learn the fundamental principles of MLS® laser therapy, including mechanisms of action and therapeutic benefits.

Understand how MLS® laser therapy can effectively address various types of injuries, pain, and rehabilitation concerns through case studies.

Gain practical knowledge about how to incorporate MLS® laser therapy into a comprehensive treatment plan for optimal patient outcomes.

Review applications of MLS® laser therapy for neuropathic pain.

Speaker: Dr Ilia Todorov, Doctor of Medicine, Department of Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation and Thalassotherapy at Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria.

Learn More Learn more about MLS Laser Therapy: Therapeutic Solutions in Sport Injuries
Events - Submitted

What the Budget means for General Practice - Hear it from Hon. Mark Butler MP and ask your questions

An exclusive, highly interactive GP webinar with the Minister of Health and Aged Care, Mark Butler, hosted by Dr Norman Swan.

Never before has so much change been in the offing for GPs, practices and primary health care in general. How do the spending and saving decisions made in the 2023 Federal Budget measure up to what has been widely discussed and to what extent will they meet the enormous challenges faced by general practitioners and their practice teams?

Learn More Learn more about What the Budget means for General Practice - Hear it from Hon. Mark Butler MP and ask your questions
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