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Events - Submitted

Mitochondrial Disease: Testing and Referral Pathways

The diagnostic work-up for suspected mitochondrial disease (mito) is a step-wise procedure, with GPs playing a key role. Much of the work is done by an initial comprehensive history of the individual’s symptoms, the family history, and a full systems review. Clinical investigations are commenced by the GP to complete the systems review and confirm any symptomatology. Join metabolic physician and clinical geneticist Prof David Coman as he discusses the various diagnostic tests, organ or multi-system assessments available in primary care.
Learn More Learn more about Mitochondrial Disease: Testing and Referral Pathways
Events - Submitted

Addressing factors that inhibit wound healing

Presenters include Suresh Sharma - Nurse Practitioner Hepatology, Andrew Maher - Clinical Nurse Specialist Diabetes Educator, and Christa-Lee-May Smith - Clinical Support Officer Aboriginal. Commencing the evening at 6pm for registration networking with industry and light refreshment served. Two presentations for guest speaker until 7.45pm and a break for Industry interaction, last presentation at 8pm with an interactive learning session on clinical skills.

Learn More Learn more about Addressing factors that inhibit wound healing
Events - Submitted

Photobiomodulation Therapy (PBMT) for Pain Treatment: Basic Science and Clinical Studies

Speaker: Dr Scott Sigman, Orthopaedic Surgeon; Orthopedic Surgical Associates, Lowell General Hospital, MA, USA

Intended Audience: Specialists treating patients for pain, inflammation and/or musculoskeletal injuries.

Learning Objectives:

Basic science behind PBMT.

How laser therapy triggers healing through biological processes.

Non-opioid advantages of using PBMT.

Clinical studies that support the use of PBMT and showcases the biological and therapeutic effects of laser treatment.

How lasers work to heal a wide variety of musculoskeletal injuries.

Implications of PBMT for COVID 19.

Learn More Learn more about Photobiomodulation Therapy (PBMT) for Pain Treatment: Basic Science and Clinical Studies
Events - Submitted

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): How and why we should make this diagnosis

FASD is a lifelong but preventable neurodevelopmental disorder caused by in-utero or prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE). It is a type of acquired brain injury, and has a spectrum of manifestations It is a significant public health concern that is under recognised and underdiagnosed in Australia. General Practitioners have an important role in identifying women and children at risk of harm from alcohol and arranging referrals for assessment and management when necessary.

Learn More Learn more about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): How and why we should make this diagnosis
Events - Submitted

Rheumatology Update



• Inflammatory vs non-inflammatory disease

• How to recognise and avoid “low value care” in Rheumatology

• Clarifying a few Rheumatology “myths”


• Predictors of severe COVID in rheumatic disease

• Vaccination in rheumatic disease

Learn More Learn more about Rheumatology Update
Events - Submitted

National Bowel Cancer Screening Program - Education Webinar

This free webinar has been created to provide GPs, Practice Nurses and their clinics with the skills and knowledge they will need to support their patients participating in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.

The 30 minute webinar will cover;

• The roles of the GP and Practice Nurse

• Patient eligibility and relevant clinical information

• How to complete the bowel cancer screening home test

• Understanding test results

• Where to find further tools and resources

Learn More Learn more about National Bowel Cancer Screening Program - Education Webinar
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