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Events - Submitted

Meet the Psychiatry Expert

Session 2 of a two part series - "Understand and identify key mental health issues within your patient cohort"

Learning Outcomes:

  • GPs to bring their most vexing cases for discussion with psychiatry experts
  • The focus will be on depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
  • Particular focus will be on newer pharmacotherapy, the antipsychotic agents and the role of psychosocial interventions
  • GPs will gain insight into new approaches in treating their patients
Learn More Learn more about Meet the Psychiatry Expert
Events - Submitted

CPR - (BLS-CPR) for General Practice

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this activity participants will be able to...

Identify and apply the steps that need to be taken in the event of a cardiac arrest patient in the general practice setting.

Recall the appropriate methods and processes of gaining emergency assistance in the general practice setting, in the event of a cardiac arrest.

Manage a suspected cardiac arrest including the demonstration of BLS-CPR procedures, including the delivery of effective ventilations and compressions and use of an AED on all age groups using anatomically appropriate resuscitation manikins.

Implement strategies in the practice to reduce the emotional impact of an emergency on individuals and the team

Learn More Learn more about CPR - (BLS-CPR) for General Practice
Events - Submitted

Bowel cancer screening – from the GP perspective

General practice health professionals have several important roles in the NBCSP, including encouraging and supporting participation, managing participants who have a positive FOBT, providing information about referrals to the NBCSP, and managing individuals who, by way of symptom(s) or significant family history, require diagnostic investigations or targeted surveillance rather than screening.

Learn More Learn more about Bowel cancer screening – from the GP perspective
Events - Submitted

Central Coast Local Health District Psychology Department Professional Development Day

Registrations are OPEN for the annual Psychology Department Professional Development Day. This will be held at the auditorium at Gosford Hospital with a limit of 60 participants. The theme of the day is: “Psychology for Health and Wellbeing”.

There will be presentations by Dr Chris Basten: “Adapting to chronic illness and injury - a cognitive psychology perspective” and Dr Jay Raman: “Obesity related eating behaviours: How can psychologists contribute?”. Full event details can be found on the Event Brite link for the event.

Learn More Learn more about Central Coast Local Health District Psychology Department Professional Development Day
Events - Submitted

Understanding Asthma Management in Adolescents and Adults

3 CPD points available for attending. Activity ID: 191862 The speaker for this event is Clinical Associate Professor Graham Hart. Consultant physician in respiratory and sleep medicine. MBBS. MRCP (UK). FRACP. FCCP. Learning outcomes Describe the steps in the diagnosis of asthma in adolescents and adults Outline the principles of asthma management in adolescents and adults Describe the importance of ICS preventer therapy in mild asthma
Learn More Learn more about Understanding Asthma Management in Adolescents and Adults
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