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Care Finder Program Launched by the PHN

Care finders provide face-to-face support to vulnerable older people who would not be able to arrange aged care services without intensive assistance and do not have a family member or friends who can help. Care finders support these older Australians to navigate and access My Aged Care, aged care services and other relevant supports in the community.

The program has been developed following recommendations from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety 2021 and outcomes of the Aged Care System Navigator Trials.

Who is the care finder program for?

Care finders are not for everyone. To receive care finder support, a person must:

  • have no carer or support person who can help them, or
  • not have a carer of support person they feel comfortable or trust to support them, and
  • be eligible for government-funded aged care.

To be eligible for government-funded aged care, individuals:

  • need help with one or more everyday tasks; and
  • be aged:
    • 65 years or older (50 years or older for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people) OR
    • 50 years or older (45 years or older for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people) on a low income and homeless or at risk of being homeless.

In addition, they may have one or more of these reasons for needing intensive support:

  • communication and language barriers
  • difficulty processing information due to cognitive decline
  • reluctance to engage with a need for support
  • reluctance to engage with government services.

What do care finders help with?

Care finders can help people understand what aged care services are available, set up an assessment and find and choose services. They also help people with access to other supports in the community. They can help with both accessing services for the first time and changing or finding new services and supports.

What are the intended benefits of the care finder program?

The intended benefits of the care finder program are to improve outcomes for people in the care finder target population, including:

  • increased rates of access to aged care and community supports
  • improved experience and understanding when access to aged care services
  • improved understanding of aged care services and how to access them
  • vulnerable people are more open to engage with the aged care system

Find out which organisations are providing the Care Finder Service across the Hunter, New England and Central Coast regions.

How do older Australian, who do not fit within the target population, receive support?

Most people who need aged care should call My Aged Care on 1800 200 244 or visit to discuss their needs and arrange an assessment.

If someone would like help to talk to My Aged Care or to use the website they can go to any Services Australia centre.

There are also Aged Care Specialist officers who give face-to-face help in 70 Services Australia service centres. Visit Services Australia website to see where these are located or call 1800 227 475 (in HNECC Nelson Bay, Taree, Wallsend and Woy Woy).

Role of HNECC Primary Health Network

The Hunter New England and Central Coast PHN are undertaking the following activities to coordinate the implementation of the care finder program:

  • Complete a needs assessment to better understand the location and diversity of the care finder population across our region;
  • Commission and coordinate a network of care finder organisations;
  • Identify opportunities to integrate care finder services with the broader aged care, health and support sector; and
  • Contribute to the overall evaluation of the program.

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More about:

HNECC PHN Announcement

For audiences:

Consumer or Carer Health Professionals

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