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Help needed to improve mental health treatment services for Aboriginal people

The PHN is seeking feedback to help improve the planning and commissioning for indigenous mental health treatment services to:

  • Increase service capacity of the indigenous mental health treatment sector through improved regional coordination by targeting areas of need, and
  • Improve the effectiveness of indigenous mental health services by increasing coordination between various sectors, and improving sector efficiency.

The project lead role has been allocated to Healthy Options Australia (HOA). HOA is committed to developing targeted continuous professional development opportunities aimed at meeting professional needs. Your views are an important feature in the formulation phase and provides the foundation for our capacity building product design.

A survey has been developed for primary care clinicians.

The survey consists of 20 questions and takes a maximum of 10 minutes to complete. End date is Monday 19 February 2018

The data will be used to inform and shape the development of:

  • specific cross-sectoral and integrated approaches to indigenous mental health treatment services and improve coordinated care at the local level
  • linkages with broader health services to better support integrated treatment and referral pathways, and
  • evidence-based continuous professional development and quality improvement avenues and opportunities
  • conference presentations

A copy of the survey report will be available on completion of the project (30 June 2018)

  • If you would like further information about this project, or the survey attached, please do not hesitate to contact Susan Barron-Hamilton (Senior Project Lead) on 0474 496 117

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