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Research Opportunity: Patients Needed to Help Improve Understanding of Diabetes and Depression

Persons over 18 years of age living with diabetes mellitus Type 1 or Type 2 are invited to participate in the research study that will examine current evidence relating to the treatment of depression in people of this cohort.

The planned research will be provided as 12-page pdf document that requires review and written feedback from patients in order to solicit feedback on;

  • the direction of the research
  • identifying anything missed and make suggestions.

At the end of this research in 12 to 24 months’ time the research team would also like additional feedback and help writing the plain English summary of our findings to ensure our interpretation is correct with participants' experience of diabetes. Participating will help to ensure that the research and its findings are relevant and meaningful to persons with diabetes mellitus.

This research is being led by Dr Phil Tully – an academic working for The University of New England, Armidale.

Interested persons can email to the attention of Dr Phil Tully or alternatively register your details and interest here

For further information download the research study flyer.

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