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The PHN selected as an Employer of Choice in the Australian Business Awards 2023

The Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network (HNECC PHN) has been selected as an Employer of Choice in the Australian Business Awards 2023. The Australian Business Award for Employer of Choice [EOC®] recognises organisations that develop leading workplaces that maximise the full potential of their workforce through established policies and practices that demonstrate effective employee recruitment, engagement and retention.

HNECC PHN Chief Executive Officer, Richard Nankervis said that the PHN is very pleased to receive this recognition. “This is a testament to the talented people at the PHN, whose passion for identifying and addressing the health needs in our communities is matched by their commitment to closing service gaps and ensuring equity in access.”

“To receive this award, we have had to demonstrate our achievements across key areas of Organisational Culture and Leadership; Employee Education, Training and Development; Employee Health, Safety and Satisfaction; Performance Management; Recognition and Remuneration. Being an Employer of Choice means that the PHN has been recognised nationally as a well-managed, high-performing, industry-leading organisation that provides a stimulating and supportive workforce.”

“As a values-driven organisation, people choose to work for us and with us because of the meaningful work we do as well as the opportunity to work with passionate and motivated people who make a real difference.” said Mr Nankervis.

Organisations that participate in the Australian Business Awards are provided with the unique opportunity to benchmark themselves against the top performers globally. The recipients are acknowledged and recognised as the elite of their industry.

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