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The PHN's new look Mental Health and Wellbeing team

The PHN recently communicated to commissioned service providers some changes to the structure of the Mental Health team and who is the right person to contact to get the answer to your question in a timely way. These changes will better support service integration and break down program silos to design and commission services in a more holistic way.

From 1 June 2024, the following Commissioning teams have merged to form the new Mental Health and Wellbeing Team: 

  • Mental Health Strategies and Partnerships 
  • Mental Health Commissioning 
  • Drug, Alcohol and Wellbeing Commissioning 
  • Safe and Healthy Families 

 Leah Morgan has been appointed to the new role of Senior Manager, Mental Health and Wellbeing Services, and will lead the Mental Health and Wellbeing Team.

The PHN congratulates Leah on her appointment. Leah has been with the PHN since 2015 in a number of roles and has a comprehensive understanding of PHN processes and the commissioning landscape. Most recently Leah has been leading the PHNs Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Strategy and Partnerships work and will bring her clinical knowledge, skills and extensive network connection to the new role.  

Steve Dye, Mary-Anne Whitworth, and Shannon Richardson will continue as Managers of their respective streams, reporting to Leah. 

The team will continue to report via Leah, to Catherine Turner, Executive Manger – Commissioning.

An updated version of the Service Provider Toolkit is also now available on the PHN Website, as well as on the Folio Launchpad.  Relevant contact details for all members of the Commissioning Team are available in the Service Provider Toolkit to allow you to direct enquires and questions to the most appropriate person.

Reaching out to the Commissioning Coordinator responsible for your contract and/or program as the first point of contact for operational issues remains unchanged.

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