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Time Maters Project - Call for Expressions of Interest

The Cancer Institute NSW and Calvary Mater Newcastle are seeking expressions of interest for membership to, two working groups:

  1. Time Maters prostate cancer implementation working group
  2. Time Maters colorectal cancer implementation working group

The project is a joint initiative of the Cancer Institute NSW and Calvary Mater Newcastle that aims to identify and promote an integrated shared care model/s that improves access, service delivery and communication for cancer patients receiving follow-up and surveillance care at Calvary Mater Newcastle (CMN). The working groups are responsible for the development and implementation of a suite of solutions to enable the delivery of shared care between the cancer service and primary health providers. The working groups will be comprised of GPs, cancer specialists and consumers who have a lived experience with cancer. Membership provides the opportunity to contribute to the development of clinically appropriate resources and shared care planning for colorectal cancer patients receiving follow-up and prostate (ADT) patients in surveillance care.

As a member of the group/s, you will share your expertise and collaborate with other healthcare professionals and consumers, carers, and their families. As a GP, the expertise and experience you have caring for patients with cancer in the community is invaluable to developing a comprehensive shared care model. The collaborative approach will ensure that patients receive coordinated, patient-centered care that meets their holistic needs. We believe that your expertise and experience as a GP will be invaluable to the working group, and we hope that you will consider contributing to this important work.

This is a unique opportunity for you to:

  • play an active role in shaping the future of cancer care,
  • contribute to the development of new strategies and approaches that will improve patients’ experiences and quality of life,
  • advocate and promote the GP perspective to improve health care delivery,
  • enhance your knowledge and skills in cancer care,
  • develop networks

The Time Maters prostate and colorectal cancer implementation working groups will provide advice and guidance on:

  1. 1. The development of oncology and GP shared care plan that incorporates the current patient, treatment and service delivery needs for patient, GPs and the cancer service.
  2. 2. A clinical triage tool that will support clinicians to identify appropriate patients to triage to the GP shared care models. ​
  3. 3. Internal localised process for the cancer service and primary care to provide smooth and integrated service delivery for the patient.
  4. 4. Patient information resources that provide relevant and targeted information to the patient about follow up care to allow them to take control of their treatment and work alongside the oncology and primary health care teams. ​
  5. The usage and purpose of the CANcierge app to allow staff to use existing tools and technology to better assist and inform their patients.

To apply

We are accepting expression of interests for membership to the individual groups (meetings will be held separately). Please forward expressions of interest to:

To: Melissa Minett


Enc: Time Maters project governance structure

Successful applicants will be remunerated for the time to attend the monthly working group meetings as well as any preparation required for the meeting, up to a maximum of 4 hours per month (including meeting time 1 hour).

Meeting times will be scheduled to facilitate all members availability including after hours, online and virtual options will be considered as appropriate.

, two working groups:
  1. Time Maters prostate cancer implementation working group
  2. Time Maters colorectal cancer implementation working group

The project is a joint initiative of the Cancer Institute NSW and Calvary Mater Newcastle that aims to identify and promote an integrated shared care model/s that improves access, service delivery and communication for cancer patients receiving follow-up and surveillance care at Calvary Mater Newcastle (CMN). The working groups are responsible for the development and implementation of a suite of solutions to enable the delivery of shared care between the cancer service and primary health providers. The working groups will be comprised of GPs, cancer specialists and consumers who have a lived experience with cancer. Membership provides the opportunity to contribute to the development of clinically appropriate resources and shared care planning for colorectal cancer patients receiving follow-up and prostate (ADT) patients in surveillance care.

As a member of the group/s, you will share your expertise and collaborate with other healthcare professionals and consumers, carers, and their families. As a GP, the expertise and experience you have caring for patients with cancer in the community is invaluable to developing a comprehensive shared care model. The collaborative approach will ensure that patients receive coordinated, patient-centered care that meets their holistic needs. We believe that your expertise and experience as a GP will be invaluable to the working group, and we hope that you will consider contributing to this important work.

This is a unique opportunity for you to:

  • play an active role in shaping the future of cancer care,
  • contribute to the development of new strategies and approaches that will improve patients’ experiences and quality of life,
  • advocate and promote the GP perspective to improve health care delivery,
  • enhance your knowledge and skills in cancer care,
  • develop networks

The Time Maters prostate and colorectal cancer implementation working groups will provide advice and guidance on:

  1. The development of oncology and GP shared care plan that incorporates the current patient, treatment and service delivery needs for patient, GPs and the cancer service.
  2. A clinical triage tool that will support clinicians to identify appropriate patients to triage to the GP shared care models. ​
  3. Internal localised process for the cancer service and primary care to provide smooth and integrated service delivery for the patient.
  4. Patient information resources that provide relevant and targeted information to the patient about follow up care to allow them to take control of their treatment and work alongside the oncology and primary health care teams. ​
  5. The usage and purpose of the CANcierge app to allow staff to use existing tools and technology to better assist and inform their patients.

To apply

We are accepting expression of interests for membership to the individual groups (meetings will be held separately). Please forward expressions of interest to:

To: Melissa Minett


Enc: Time Maters project governance structure

Successful applicants will be remunerated for the time to attend the monthly working group meetings as well as any preparation required for the meeting, up to a maximum of 4 hours per month (including meeting time 1 hour).

Meeting times will be scheduled to facilitate all members availability including after hours, online and virtual options will be considered as appropriate.

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Expressions of Interest

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