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Wellbeing grants for general practice now available

There is no doubt that 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic took a toll on our mental health and general wellbeing. Often at the forefront of supporting our communities during these stressful times were the staff and doctors within our general practices across the region.

As we navigate through 2021 and the vaccination roll-out the PHN is offering General Practice the opportunity to receive a one-off small grant of $200 (GST not applicable to this payment) to support activities or events that promote wellness, social connectedness and resilience amongst the general practice workforce. The funds can be used for a variety of initiatives, including:

  • Morning/afternoon tea to promote social connectedness in recognition of the hard work undertaken over the last 12 months
  • Team activity such as yoga, tai chi, etc
  • A team movie night
  • Contribution to team dinner
  • Hire of guest speaker to discuss wellness/resilience.

The PHN will be providing a complimentary information resource that contains mental health, resilience, and wellness information to support events or initiatives.

To apply, complete the online form.

Upon completion, payments will be made directly to the parctice bank account. (Please allow up to 10 business days for processing)

General Practice Wellbeing Grants will close on 30th May 2021.

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HNECC PHN Announcement

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General Practitioner Practice Manager

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