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Events - Submitted

Resuscitation Skills (BLS-CPR) For General Practice

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this activity participants will be able to

• Identify and apply the steps that need to be taken in the event of a cardiac arrest patient in the general practice setting.

• Recall the appropriate methods and processes of gaining emergency assistance in the general practice setting, in the event of a cardiac arrest.

• Manage a suspected cardiac arrest including the demonstration of BLS-CPR procedures, including the delivery of effective ventilations and compressions and use of an AED on all age groups using anatomically appropriate resuscitation manikins.

• Implement strategies in the practice to reduce the emotional impact of an emergency on individuals and the team.

Learn More Learn more about Resuscitation Skills (BLS-CPR) For General Practice
Events - Submitted

Take to heart: The absolute risk reduction approach to preventing ASCVD

Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) is largely preventable with a number of modifiable clinical factors accounting for the majority of risk. The absolute risk approach is potentially more than twice as effective at reducing death from coronary heart disease as the individual risk factor approach.

In this webinar, A/Prof Ralph Audehm will outline how you can implement the absolute risk approach in your practice, including use of Heart Health Checks.

Learn More Learn more about Take to heart: The absolute risk reduction approach to preventing ASCVD
Events - Submitted

Dealing with Difficult Patients

On completion of this activity participants will be able to

1. Recognise the risk factors and key indicators of aggression and violence.

2. Effectively manage difficult patients through a range of communication, de-escalation, and diffusion skills.

3. Identify and implement effective practice strategies and measures to improve the safety of the workplace.

The workshop covers a range of communication strategies and skills in dealing with challenging interactions with patients and others. This includes practice set-out to maximise safety and survival skills for GPs involved in home visits and verbal judo for tricky situations. The workshop is designed for all members of the practice team.

Learn More Learn more about Dealing with Difficult Patients
Events - Submitted

REACH-B meet and greet webinar

This interactive 90-minute instructional and case discussion provides HBV prescribers an opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills to practical case studies spanning diagnosis to treatment initiation and ongoing monitoring and an understanding of how this new resource could be used to support this. It will clearly articulate when, how and why the REACH-B consultation process should be utilised as well as features of the form.
Learn More Learn more about REACH-B meet and greet webinar
Events - Submitted

Hepatitis C in NSP Settings

This free training aims to provide participants with the confidence to initiate conversations around hepatitis C in the needle and syringe program (NSP) setting. Frontline workers in NSP settings have a crucial and unique role to play in eliminating hepatitis C. Every day you’re talking to people who might be living with hepatitis C, and in these conversations you can support people to protect their health. This free online workshop will help build your confidence to initiate conversations around hepatitis C in NSP settings and provide referrals to testing and treatment. 
Learn More Learn more about Hepatitis C in NSP Settings
Events - Submitted

First Nations Education for Allied Health Providers

Join our online webinar presented by Josh Fuller, the PHN’s First Nations Community Engagement Officer, and Jake Gillies, Aboriginal Health Practitioner. Josh will introduce you to the PHN’s First Nations Health Access Team and how they can support your Allied Health practice. Jake will discuss cultural safety, the role of an Aboriginal Health Practitioner and how they can support patients seeking Allied Health care holistically. We welcome questions ahead of the webinar and during the session.

Learn More Learn more about First Nations Education for Allied Health Providers
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