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Events - Submitted

National Suicide Prevention Adviser Final Advice

National Suicide Prevention Adviser Christine Morgan will provide an in-depth briefing on the Advice and how it will reduce suicide and provide support, particularly for at-risk communities. There will be an opportunity to ask questions, and discuss how we are moving towards our principle of a ‘whole of system, whole of life’ approach to mental health reform.

Learn More Learn more about National Suicide Prevention Adviser Final Advice
Events - Submitted

Evidence Based Practice Webinar | Anxiety and Alcohol Use: What Clinicians Need to Know

This webinar will lead to:

- An understanding of typical patterns and issues relevant to the management of anxiety and alcohol use disorder comorbidity;

- Introduction to an integrated cognitive behaviour therapy program that improves outcomes by concurrently addressing anxiety, alcohol use and the connections between them;

- Awareness of the developmental links between anxiety and alcohol use, including strategies to prevent the development of alcohol use disorders among anxious young people.

Learn More Learn more about Evidence Based Practice Webinar | Anxiety and Alcohol Use: What Clinicians Need to Know
Events - Submitted

Evidence Based Practice Webinar | Implementing Evidence Based Practices: What AOD Managers and Workers Need to Know

By the end of this webinar, attendees will be able to:

- Describe evidence-based practices that are effective for working alongside people with co-occurring alcohol and other drug (AOD) and mental health conditions

- Identify key stages to implementation in an organisation

- Understand how effective implementation works in practice through case studies

Learn More Learn more about Evidence Based Practice Webinar | Implementing Evidence Based Practices: What AOD Managers and Workers Need to Know
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