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Events - Submitted

Building comorbidity capacity in AOD services: what works?

By the end of this webinar, attendees will be able to:

- Describe how clinical training in the Pathways to Comorbidity Care project was used to assist in the implementation of evidence-based practice using the National Comorbidity Guidelines

- Describe how clinical champions were used in the Pathways to Comorbidity Care project to assist with the implementation of evidence-based practice using the National Comorbidity Guidelines

- Describe how clinical supervision was used in the Pathways to Comorbidity Care project to assist with the implementation of evidence-based practice using the National Comorbidity Guidelines

Learn More Learn more about Building comorbidity capacity in AOD services: what works?
Events - Submitted

Shared decision making in mental health treatment: what clinicians need to know

By the end of this webinar, attendees will be able to:

- Identify the key rationale for and components of shared decision-making in clinical practice

- Articulate the potential benefits of shared decision-making for mental health populations, including those with co-occurring alcohol and other drug use conditions

- Understand ways of facilitating shared decision-making in practice, including via the use of decision-aids.

About the presenter:

Dr. Alana Fisher is a Research Fellow based in the eCentre Clinic, where she leads a program of research on the use of shared decision-making and decision-support tools to improve consumer uptake of and engagement with digital mental health treatments for depression and anxiety. Alana’s research focuses on enhancing our understanding and delivery of mental healthcare consistent with the best available evidence, as well as individual preferences, goals, and needs.

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Events - Submitted

Multiple health behaviour change: perspectives from the field

By the end of this webinar, attendees will be able to: - Understand the relationship between substance use, mental health and physical comorbidity; - Understand the challenges and opportunities services face when implementing evidence into practice across the domains of mental, substance use, and physical health comorbidities; - Identify key opportunities within their own practice setting to integrate treatments for mental, substance use, and physical health comorbidities. About the presenters: Professor Frances Kay-Lambkin is a registered Psychologist and mental health researcher. She holds a number of concurrent leadership roles including interim Pro Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation at the University of Newcastle and Director for the NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence (PREMISE). Professor Kay-Lambkin’s extensive research program focuses on the transformative impact of digital health technologies and integrated treatment for people with mental health and substance use conditions. Dr. Adrian Dunlop is Director and Senior Staff Specialist for Hunter New England Local Health District Drug & Alcohol Clinical Services; Conjoint Professor at the School of Medicine and Public Health (Faculty of Health, University of Newcastle); Honorary Medical Officer (Addiction Medicine, Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network); and consultant to the Drug & Alcohol Specialist Advisory Service (DASAS) at St Vincent’s Local Health Network. Adrian has 25 years-experience in the drug and alcohol field, over $34 million in research funding (including 12 NHMRC funded grants) and over 270 publications. Dr. Lawrence Dadd is a Senior Staff Specialist in mental health and substance use at Hunter New England LHD and has extensive experience in Indigenous community outreach his roles with AWABAKAL Aboriginal Medical Service and the Wollotuka Institute at the University of Newcastle.
Learn More Learn more about Multiple health behaviour change: perspectives from the field
Events - Submitted

Trauma-informed care in AOD settings: what clinicians need to know

By the end of this webinar, attendees will be able to: - Understand the relationship between trauma, post-traumatic stress, and substance use - Identify how trauma-related issues can impact substance use treatment - Identify key elements of trauma-informed care - Understand evidence-based treatment options for co-occurring traumatic stress and substance use About the presenters: Professor Katherine Mills is an NHMRC Senior Research Fellow and Director of Early Intervention and Treatment Research at The Matilda Centre. Her awarding winning program of work focuses on improving our understanding of the relationship between mental and substance use disorders, evaluating innovative treatment approaches, and improving the translation of research into practice. In particular, Katherine’s work focuses on the challenging area of post traumatic stress disorder and substance use. Logan Harvey is an experienced clinical psychologist who has primarily worked in specialist substance use treatment services for clients with co-occurring mental health and substance use conditions. Logan is currently a PhD candidate at the Matilda Centre, where his research focuses on the relationship between Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) and substance use.
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Events - Submitted

COVID-19 response update for General Practitioners - Dept. of Health

Joining Professor Michael Kidd AM will be Dr Lucas de Toca, First Assistant Secretary, COVID-19 Primary Care Response, Department of Health and Frances Rice, Senior Nurse Advisor, Department of Health.

At this webinar, you'll be provided with the latest information on the vaccine rollout. GPs and all health professionals are welcome.

Learn More Learn more about COVID-19 response update for General Practitioners - Dept. of Health
Events - Submitted

Practice Incentive Program - General Practitioner Aged Care Access Incentive - Mastermind

Join us for this Mastermind session in which we will discuss the implementation of the Practice Incentive Program and Payments when working with patients in residential aged care.

Discussion topics for the session include:
• Practice Incentive Program – General Practitioner Aged Care Access Incentive
• Practice Incentive Payment for In-reach Residential Aged Care and Disability Support Worker Covid-19
• Shortages and challenges working in Residential Aged Care Facilities
• Innovative models of care and care co-ordination roles within RACF

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Events - Submitted

Online Workshop for Practitioners and Health Professionals: Peace in Practice with Petrea King

A dynamic program designed to increase the compassion, skill, capacities, and knowledge of health professionals working in private practice or in public settings:

Facilitated by Petrea King, Peace in Practice focuses on your health and wellbeing, as well as increasing your skill, knowledge, and the foundational principles upon which you work, whether in a hospital, clinic, or other environment.

Topics include

• 4 qualities for peace and resilience as a basis for understanding self and work

• Communication tools for difficult circumstances

• Mindfulness as a foundation for professional and personal life

Learn More Learn more about Online Workshop for Practitioners and Health Professionals: Peace in Practice with Petrea King
Events - Submitted

Self-Care: How to be a sustainable practitioner

With the goal of helping practitioners achieve balance both professionally and personally, this webinar will outline how to develop a practical self-care plan that includes clear outcomes and avenues for feedback from various individuals in a practitioner's life including family, friends, clients, and colleagues.

Prior to the webinar, attendees are invited to complete a short exercise comprising of four questions to reflect on their current self-care practice. After the webinar, attendees will be sent the same questions so they can reflect on their learnings and how they will manage self-care in the future.

Learn More Learn more about Self-Care: How to be a sustainable practitioner
Events - Submitted

Hepatitis C for Nurse Practitioners  

This course aims to provide Nurse practitioners with the skills and confidence to diagnose, assess, manage, and treat hepatitis C.   This course is for: Nurse practitioners with an interest in hepatitis C.  

The course, including pre-course activities and homework, is equivalent to 5.75 CPD hours. This is a 2-part course. Both sessions must be attended. The second course is on 30th August from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm.

Learn More Learn more about Hepatitis C for Nurse Practitioners  
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