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Events - Submitted

Online Seminar: Prescribing for Perimenopause and Menopause

Recently there’s been a great deal of media interest in menopause and the often debilitating symptoms that go untreated. This has resulted in many more women seeking perimenopause and menopause related advice from their GP’s.

Dr Kelly Teagle, founder of the WellFemme Telehealth Menopause Clinic, is pleased to present a free online seminar for GP’s wanting to up-skill in menopausal medicine. She is joined by WellFemme colleagues Dr Katie Kent and Lynda Newman to bring you the latest research and evidence around prescribing for perimenopause and menopause.

In this seminar we will:

• Review the definitions and diagnosis of perimenopause and menopause

• Describe the hormonal changes occurring during the menopause transition

• Summarise the latest evidence regarding MHT safety

• Outline the best-practice approach to MHT prescribing, and

• Discuss case examples with reference to evidence-based prescribing

• PLUS conduct a live Question and Answer session.

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Events - Submitted

Surviving Lockdown Meltdowns in General Practice

During this Pandemic, General Practice staff are at the frontline of healthcare, but often find themselves faced with a level of anger, frustration and rudeness, at a level that they have never experienced before. This is taking an increasing toll on the mental and physical health of all staff.

This free webinar is designed to assist staff in managing this “age of the meltdown” in their practices, while supporting each other to build resilience through a troubling and uncertain period.

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Events - Submitted

National Comorbidity Guidelines Train-the-Trainer Workshop

Train-the-trainer workshops have been developed in collaboration with 360edge, for trainers who have the capacity to deliver training within their workplace. Trainers will become registered trainers with the Matilda Centre, able to provide evidence-based training for AOD workers to improve their capacity to manage co-occurring mental disorders.

Who should attend: Training facilitators are required to have successfully completed tertiary training in a relevant field; have a comprehensive knowledge of comorbidity and/or experience working with people experiencing co-occurring mental and substance use disorders; be skilled in substance use and mental health interventions; possess sound training skills, and have the capacity to deliver workplace training.

Skills gained: Trainers will become registered trainers through the Matilda Centre, and subject to signing licensing agreements, able to deliver the National Comorbidity Guidelines Face-to-Face Training Program. Participants of the Trainer workshop will receive a certificate of completion, which depending on their registration provider, may be used towards continuing professional development.

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Events - Submitted

National Comorbidity Guidelines Train-the-Trainer Workshop

Who should attend: Training facilitators are required to have successfully completed tertiary training in a relevant field; have a comprehensive knowledge of comorbidity and/or experience working with people experiencing co-occurring mental and substance use disorders; be skilled in substance use and mental health interventions; possess sound training skills, and have the capacity to deliver workplace training.

Skills gained: Trainers will become registered trainers through the Matilda Centre, and subject to signing licensing agreements, able to deliver the National Comorbidity Guidelines Face-to-Face Training Program. Participants of the Trainer workshop will receive a certificate of completion, which depending on their registration provider, may be used towards continuing professional development.

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Events - Submitted

COVID vaccination for pharmacists

This webinar will provide:

• an overview of the NSW Vaccination Standards and obligations pharmacist immunisers must meet to deliver AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination to their patients

• current advice from ATAGI on benefits and harms of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination

• a practical approach to gaining informed consent, including how to discuss the benefits and risks of the AZ vaccine to patients and when to refer patients to medical practitioners

• opportunity to have your questions answered by our panel of pharmacist experts, medical specialists and general practitioners

Learn More Learn more about COVID vaccination for pharmacists
Events - Submitted

Rural Practice Manager Conference

Join us to access information and upskilling opportunities specific to the rural context. Topics include:

• recruitment and retention strategies to ensure a sustainable practice

• using data to improve business outcomes and make informed decisions

• examples of how the Health Workforce Scholarship Program can assist practices to improve and enhance services

• how to implement change

We will provide coaching and guidance with practical support.

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Events - Submitted

NCIRS Webinar - What’s next for Australia’s COVID-19 vaccine program? Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and model predictions

In Australia and globally we continue to face new challenges in the prevention of COVID-19. Join us for this webinar discussing the what’s next for Australia’s COVID-19 vaccine program as we aim to emerge from the pandemic.

In this webinar you will:

► learn about the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine that will roll out in Australia from September 2021, with an overview from Dr Randall Hyer, Senior Vice President, Moderna Therapeutics, Inc

► be updated on COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness and protection against the Delta variant

► gain a deeper understanding of modeling of the COVID-19 vaccine impact that is informing Australia’s approach to emerging from the pandemic.

Learn More Learn more about NCIRS Webinar - What’s next for Australia’s COVID-19 vaccine program? Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and model predictions
Events - Submitted

Exploring Pertussis: Whooping Cough in Australia

This webinar will provide attendees with an update regarding pertussis epidemiology and current trends in vaccination rates.

Low pertussis booster rates in Australian adults impact the epidemiology of the disease. This webinar will explore what current literature indicates are the barriers and potential enablers to improving pertussis vaccination rates in Australia, and therefore reducing disease burden and complications.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Describe the clinical relevance of pertussis to various population groups, including adults and persons aged over 65 years

2. Outline current vaccination rates in various Australian target populations and their impact on herd immunity, cocooning of infants, and gaps in disease protection

3. Explain the relevance of misalignment between best practice guidelines and current state-subsidised immunisation programs, and its impact on vaccine behaviours

4. Identify the barriers and enablers to greater pertussis vaccination uptake at both patient and practitioner levels

5. Describe strategies that can be taken by GPs and their clinics to improve pertussis vaccination rates in their communities

Learn More Learn more about Exploring Pertussis: Whooping Cough in Australia
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