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Events - Submitted

What's New in Pathology - Cancer Education Session - RACP Pathology Education - Tamworth

Dr Peter Ferguson received his medical training at the University of Otago and trained as an Anatomical Pathologist at Wellington Hospital. After gaining his fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia, he was appointed the Deborah & John McMurtrie Melanoma Pathology Fellow at the Melanoma Institute of Australia in 2017.

He took up his current Staff Specialist appointment at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in 2018 and was made a Faculty member of the Melanoma Institute of Australia in 2021. Peter has sub-specialty expertise in dermatopathology, with a particular interest in melanocytic lesions. He has over 50 publications in peer reviewed journals and is an editorial board member of the Pathology journal.

Learn More Learn more about What's New in Pathology - Cancer Education Session - RACP Pathology Education - Tamworth
Events - Submitted

Dealing with the Delta Strain – an Infection Control Update for Practices

Please join us for a presentation from our expert presenter, Margaret Jennings, Microbiologist and Infection Prevention & Control Educator, who will provide an update on the new COVID-19 Delta variant and infection prevention and control considerations for General Practices.

The session will discuss the following topics:

• How to wear a P2 mask

• Less cleaning more air

• Checking symptoms of patients & staff

• Waiting rooms

• Knowledge of infection prevention & control measures

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Events - Submitted

Who, What, Why and How of COVID Adverse Events Following Immunisation (AEFI)

The COVID-19 vaccine rollout is a very dynamic space with regular changes. It can be difficult to keep up with vaccine recommendations and expected and unexpected reactions. Please join us for this very important information session to discuss:

• COVID-19 vaccine recommendations (including mixed schedules)

• AEFI reporting (who do you report to and what needs to be reported?)

• Referral processes to the Hub

• AEFI update (what are we seeing at the moment and why do we need to report?)

• What rashes following immunisation we should be concerned about and anxiety vs anaphylaxis

• Pfizer vaccines in younger people - what to look out for?

Learn More Learn more about Who, What, Why and How of COVID Adverse Events Following Immunisation (AEFI)
Events - Submitted

COVID-19 response update for General Practitioners - Dept. of Health

This webinar is part of a series for general practitioners on the COVID-19 response and the vaccine rollout. The panel will provide key updates and answer participants’ questions. Dr Lucas de Toca, First Assistant Secretary, COVID-19 Primary Care Response Department of Health and Dr Chris Harrison, General Practitioner, Canberra will join Professor Michael Kidd AM.

Learn More Learn more about COVID-19 response update for General Practitioners - Dept. of Health
Events - Submitted

CRANAplus Annual Conference - 2021 Virtual Symposium

This one-day cel­e­bra­tion of ideas con­tin­ues our 37-year-strong annu­al con­fer­ence tra­di­tion in an online envi­ron­ment, as we bridge the dis­tances that sep­a­rate our geo­graph­i­cal­ly dis­persed workforce.

Pre­sen­ta­tions from our keynote and VIP line-up will empow­er atten­dees to improve health out­comes, start impor­tant con­ver­sa­tions, and apply new lessons with­in the com­mu­ni­ties they serve.

Learn More Learn more about CRANAplus Annual Conference - 2021 Virtual Symposium
Events - Submitted

Practical Skills in Prescribing Medicinal Cannabis

This course serves as an introduction to prescribing medicinal cannabis in the clinical setting and covers:

• Therapeutic properties of medicinal cannabis

• Clinical applications of medicinal cannabis in general practice

• Differentiating adverse and therapeutic effects of medicinal cannabis

• Treatment considerations, dosing and titration to ensure patient safety during cannabis treatment

• Treatment landscape in Australia including legislation, prescribing, and access via the Special Access Scheme and Authorised Prescriber Scheme

RACGP Accreditation: The course is RACGP Accredited for 40 CPD points and the Activity Number is 195701 - You can view the accreditation details on the RACGP activity page via the link provided above.

Learn More Learn more about Practical Skills in Prescribing Medicinal Cannabis
Events - Submitted

COVID Confusion - What is has meant to the Administration Team - HPMI

This session discusses some of the challenges COVID has delivered and how administration team behaviours have resulted in problems

Learning outcomes:

Understand how the administration team can contain complaints

Describe why triaging for COVID and telehealth is so important

Understand how to manage complaints from start to finish

Implement strategies to manage angry and upset patients

Learn More Learn more about COVID Confusion - What is has meant to the Administration Team - HPMI
Events - Submitted

Non-directive Pregnancy Options Counselling & Applied Practice

This training is open to all health and allied health care practitioners who may provide counselling to people with unplanned pregnancy. Training is offered in two zoom video conferences and in accordance with Children by Choice’s pro-choice framework

Introduction to Non-directive Pregnancy Options Counselling: evidence-based information on non-directive all options counselling - parenting, alternative care arrangements and adoption and abortion. Learning outcomes:

Session 2: Monday September 13 2020 1400 - 1600 AEST - check your timezone

Applied Practice: Practical session utilising key counselling communication techniques in role play and case study discussion

Learn More Learn more about Non-directive Pregnancy Options Counselling & Applied Practice
Events - Submitted

Introduction to Post-abortion counselling & Applied Practice

This training is open to all health and allied health care practitioners who may provide pregnancy decision making support, counselling or post-abortion counselling or in a case management context. Considers short-term counselling in the post-abortion context. It will enhance understanding of factors in resolution after an abortion, assessment and referral pathways. Training is offered in two zoom video conferences and in accordance with Children by Choice’s pro-choice framework.

Session 1: Monday 11 October 2021 1400 - 1600 AEST - check your timezone

Introduction to Post-abortion counselling

Session 2: Monday 18 October 2021 1400 - 1600 Brisbane time - check your timezone

Applied Practice utilising key counselling communication techniques in role play and case study discussion

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Events - Submitted

Introduction to Reproductive coercion, contraceptive options & Applied Practice

This training is open to all health and allied health care practitioners who may work with pregnant people in the context of pregnancy decision making. Training is offered in two zoom video conferences and in accordance with Children by Choice’s pro-choice framework.

Session 1: Monday 20 September 2021 1400 - 1600 Brisbane time - check your timezone

Introduction to Reproductive Coercion and contraception options for women experiencing violence and/or coercion.

Session 2: Monday 27 September 2021 1400 - 1600 Brisbane time - check your timezone

Applied Practice: Counselling supporting increased reproductive autonomy and applied practice

Learn More Learn more about Introduction to Reproductive coercion, contraceptive options & Applied Practice
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