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Events - Submitted

Detection of cognitive impairment and dementia in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples attending primary care

Join Adjunct Professor Mark Wenitong and Adjunct Professor Edward Strivens as they discuss the clinical and cultural best practice principles of detection and diagnosis of cognitive impairment and dementia in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples attending primary care. Follow the story of Aunty Molly and her son Frank as she presents with memory and thinking problems and learn about ways to support them.
Learn More Learn more about Detection of cognitive impairment and dementia in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples attending primary care
Events - Submitted

International Network on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Users (INHSU) Virtual Conference

Epidemiology and public health in hepatitis C, other infectious diseases, and the broader health of people who use drugs.

This year’s event will be held on a world-class virtual platform. All sessions will be available broadcast live but also on-demand, giving you the flexibility to shape your own conference schedule.

Learn More Learn more about International Network on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Users (INHSU) Virtual Conference
Events - Submitted

Mental Health Reimagined International Online Summit

Mental Health Reimagined is an international online summit for health professionals bringing together a diverse range of experts to outline the evidence-base and application of lifestyle intervention in the treatment of mood disorders.

Specifically, you will:

• Learn how to support your patients and clients with the lifestyle changes needed to improve both their mental health and chronic disease, including key elements of Lifestyle Medicine such as promoting physical activity, reducing alcohol consumption, stopping smoking, improving sleep, and reducing stress

• Discuss the challenges and realities of prescribing Lifestyle Medicine in primary care, and discover how to intervene, counsel, and support your patients using social prescribing and other models of care

• Explore the resources available to you as a practitioner to help support your patients

• Learn more about the programs and services that your patients or clients can utilise to make and maintain the behaviour changes needed for success

If you’re a medical doctor or specialist, allied health practitioner, public health professional, or other health professional who has a role in mental health care, join us on Saturday 6 November to be part of the conversation, and to explore the opportunities and challenges of lifestyle intervention for those presenting with mental illness.

Learn More Learn more about Mental Health Reimagined International Online Summit
Events - Submitted

Strategies for looking after the health and wellbeing of your team

Looking after your health and wellbeing, and that of your practice team, is as important as caring for your patients in these current times. But with ongoing lockdowns and changing requirements for the delivery of healthcare, this can be a challenge.

Please join us for an important practice management webinar, Strategies for looking after the health and wellbeing of your team, on Thursday 16 September 2021.

Our expert panel will share their own experiences and strategies that have helped them look after themselves and their team in times of stress.

Learn More Learn more about Strategies for looking after the health and wellbeing of your team
Events - Submitted

IBD GP Aware Project: Awareness Webinar 1

Crohn’s & Colitis Australia (CCA) secured funding from the Department of Health and has partnered with the Australian General Practice Limited (AGPAL) and the Gastroenterological Society of Australia (GESA) to co-develop the Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) ‘GP Aware’ Project: https://www.crohnsandcolitis.c...

Please join us in this 30-minute awareness webinar where we will provide details about the Project, give an update on results thus far, highlight some of the key IBD guidelines and speak to the training which is to be released in the coming months.

Learn More Learn more about IBD GP Aware Project: Awareness Webinar 1
Events - Submitted

ONLINE SPECTRUM CONFERENCE Complexities in Personality Disorder: A Mentalization–Based Treatment (MBT) Approach

Hear from leading international expert Prof Anthony Bateman, who with Peter Fonagy, developed Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT) for borderline personality disorder (BPD). MBT is an empirically-supported treatment for people with borderline personality disorder. It offers positive outcomes for people with complex and multifaceted presentations and a high degree of comorbidity. Prof Bateman will also virtually present two post-conference workshops: 'Principles of Structured Clinical Management* for BPD' and 'MBT for Antisocial Personality Disorder' and will co-present the 'MBT for BPD' workshop for participants who would like to access more in-depth training in MBT.
Learn More Learn more about ONLINE SPECTRUM CONFERENCE Complexities in Personality Disorder: A Mentalization–Based Treatment (MBT) Approach
Events - Submitted

Building a better medicines policy for Australia

In this webinar, we will be discussing the National Medicines Policy (NMP) Review, and the important issues that the Review will set out to resolve.

The NMP is intended to deliver positive health outcomes for all Australians through access to and appropriate use of medicines.

The Review of the NMP has been commissioned in recognition of the substantial changes to the health landscape since the policy was published in 2000. It will be high-level and aimed at identifying gaps in the NMP’s objectives, partnership approach and accountabilities.

Learn More Learn more about Building a better medicines policy for Australia
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