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Events - Submitted

Dementia Prevention in Middle- Aged Adults – Introducing new clinical trial! (Mastermind)

In this session we will provide an overview of the current burden of dementia in Australia, potentially modifiable risk factors for dementia and the role of primary healthcare in reducing dementia risk.

We will also introduce a new clinical trial that is currently recruiting primary care clinics, that is investigating two interventions for assessing dementia risk and reducing dementia risk-factors in middle-aged adults.

Learn More Learn more about Dementia Prevention in Middle- Aged Adults – Introducing new clinical trial! (Mastermind)
Events - Submitted

Caring for COVID-19 Positive Patients in the Central Coast Community

This webinar will discuss the management of COVID-19 positive patients (both children and adults) in the Central Coast region, from when they are first diagnosed to when they are released from home isolation.

The session will cover:

• A proposed shared care model for general practice involvement in caring for COVID-19 positive

patients in collaboration with CCLHD COVID-19 care teams.

• How the CCLHD COVID-19 care teams decide the type of care a patient receives.

• The role of the patient’s GP/General Practice and communication with GP/General Practice team.

Learn More Learn more about Caring for COVID-19 Positive Patients in the Central Coast Community
Events - Submitted

Leading positive mental health through the changes to Australian workplaces

To coincide with Black Dog Institute’s launch of the new White Paper, Modern work: Its impact on Australia’s mental health, a panel of workplace leaders discuss the way work has changed in the past 20 years and its impact on mental health, providing professional insights and strategies to influence changes at policy and system levels.

Learn More Learn more about Leading positive mental health through the changes to Australian workplaces
Events - Submitted

NCIRS webinar: Weighing up the benefits and risks of COVID-19 vaccination: a focus on safety

Are you interested in hearing more about COVID-19 vaccine safety? Or need more information to support your patients in making decisions? Perhaps friends, family or colleagues are asking questions or you are still unsure and want more information? In this next NCIRS webinar: • learn about the US experience of COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring and assessment of benefits compared with risks • hear about the latest COVID-19 vaccine safety data for children, adolescents and young adults • get an update on thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) following Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca) COVID-19 vaccine and myocarditis and pericarditis after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination • consider the risks and benefits of COVID-19 vaccination and learn strategies for discussions with your patients, friends and family.
Learn More Learn more about NCIRS webinar: Weighing up the benefits and risks of COVID-19 vaccination: a focus on safety
Events - Submitted

Taking Lifestyle Medicine from theory to practice

Delivered in partnership with Southern Cross University, this live webinar will bring together a diverse range of experts to discuss how practitioners, policy makers and experts explore the challenges and opportunities to realise the full potential of Lifestyle Medicine in practice, beyond theory and education.

Specifically, discussion topics will include:

*Overcoming barriers to understanding the concept and place of Lifestyle Medicine

*Educating patients and practitioners to become champions of Lifestyle Medicine

*Exploring Lifestyle Medicine’s contributions to medicine

*Challenges to overcoming these topical issues, such as funding

Learn More Learn more about Taking Lifestyle Medicine from theory to practice
Events - Submitted

COVID-19: The Virus, The Vaccines, The Facts. Keeping Aboriginal Communities Informed - Session 1

Hunter New England Health (HNE) and the Primary Health Network (PHN) have partnered to deliver a series of educational webinars to help inform people about the facts on COVID-19, the vaccines and the local response to support Aboriginal communities. Each webinar will have a panel of local experts to talk about topics important to the community. It’s an opportunity to ask those burning questions to help keep you, your family and your community safe.

This webinar will discuss the following:
COVID-19 Update I HNE Aboriginal situation update I Cultural Support and Governance I Epidemiology update I Vaccination efficacy & safety I Questions & Answers session

Learn More Learn more about COVID-19: The Virus, The Vaccines, The Facts. Keeping Aboriginal Communities Informed - Session 1
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