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Events - Submitted

Keeping Well during the Pandemic - Vietnamese language

As part of October’s Mental Health Month, the Transcultural Mental Health Centre (TMHC) is organising a series of online webinars in multiple languages for members of CALD Communities.

The webinars will focus on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on our mental health and wellbeing, how to recognise symptoms of mental distress in ourselves and others, and provide information on where to seek help. The webinars will also provide tips and skills on how to manage stress and keep well during this challenging time.

Learn More Learn more about Keeping Well during the Pandemic - Vietnamese language
Events - Submitted

Keeping Well during the Pandemic - Indian communities

As part of October’s Mental Health Month, the Transcultural Mental Health Centre (TMHC) is organising a series of online webinars in multiple languages for members of CALD Communities.

The webinars will focus on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on our mental health and wellbeing, how to recognise symptoms of mental distress in ourselves and others, and provide information on where to seek help. The webinars will also provide tips and skills on how to manage stress and keep well during this challenging time.

Learn More Learn more about Keeping Well during the Pandemic - Indian communities
Events - Submitted

Keeping Well during the Pandemic - Mandarin

As part of October’s Mental Health Month, the Transcultural Mental Health Centre (TMHC) is organising a series of online webinars in multiple languages for members of CALD Communities.

The webinars will focus on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on our mental health and wellbeing, how to recognise symptoms of mental distress in ourselves and others, and provide information on where to seek help. The webinars will also provide tips and skills on how to manage stress and keep well during this challenging time.

Learn More Learn more about Keeping Well during the Pandemic - Mandarin
Events - Submitted

Management of Heart and Kidney Comorbidity - DIABESITY MASTERCLASS SERIES

The Masterclass 2021 is for general practitioners, practice and community nurses, pharmacists, dietitians, exercise physiologists, psychologists, podiatrists and diabetes educators. Join us for these Diabetes Alliance Masterclasses. The sessions will be highly informative and interactive with case studies and opportunities for Questions & Answers.

Learn More Learn more about Management of Heart and Kidney Comorbidity - DIABESITY MASTERCLASS SERIES
Events - Submitted

Community Management of COVID-19 in Hunter New England

This webinar will discuss the patient’s journey (both children and adults) from when they are first diagnosed with COVID-19 to when they are released from isolation and given a clearance certificate in the Hunter New England Local Health District. Presentations will be given by specialists from both the paediatric and adult COVID-19 Hospital in the Home teams as well as one of the GPs working in the adult team.

Learn More Learn more about Community Management of COVID-19 in Hunter New England
Events - Submitted

SafeScript NSW What does it mean?

As part of a nationwide initiative, NSW health has implemented the Real Time Prescription Monitoring System “Safe Script NSW”. This webinar will provide GPs with information about the SafeScript NSW system, additional resources being developed with this system (including the Telephone Advice Service for GPs and Pharmacists), and what actions are available to them to ensure the best possible patient outcomes.

Learn More Learn more about SafeScript NSW What does it mean?
Events - Submitted

Prescribing Medication for Youth Mental Health

Youth Mental Health medication prescribing is becoming an increasingly common presentation in children and young people presenting to primary care providers and hospitals. It’s even more challenging if the child has developmental delay, complex family dynamics and associated medical /genetic co morbidities. This event will look specifically at Prescribing Medication for Youth Mental Health.

It is really crucial to have insight into these challenging presentations and awareness regarding providing Medications and the services and supports in the community to enable effective and timely management. You are invited to join our online presentation focusing on the children , treatment options and accessing available services.

Learn More Learn more about Prescribing Medication for Youth Mental Health
Events - Submitted

Logic Modelling Workshop for Commissioned Services

Hunter New England and Central Coast PHN (The PHN) has adopted program logic as a foundational tool in its commissioning approach. To provide an understanding of the methodology, the PHN is hosting a 2-hour session specifically designed for Program teams and Managers working with our commissioned service providers.

This session will provide an introduction to logic modelling, including the theory of logic models - what they are and how to use them. It will provide an in-depth focus on the “how-to” of logic modelling to inform program outcomes.

Learn More Learn more about Logic Modelling Workshop for Commissioned Services
Events - Submitted

Mandatory Vaccinations in your Workplace

The reliance on the widespread uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine to enable the relaxation of lockdown restrictions, has created a number of issues for workplaces to consider when managing a safe and efficient return to work. Please join us for this information session to discuss:

• Workplace laws relevant to vaccination:

o Public Health Orders

o Work health and safety (WHS) legislation

o Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)

• Risk assessment and approach to vaccination under WHS laws

• Legal risks and risk mitigation

• Principles for implementing vaccination requirements

• Exemptions and managing non-compliance

Learn More Learn more about Mandatory Vaccinations in your Workplace
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