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Events - Submitted

Healthcare for Trans youth

Learning objectives:

Recognise the importance of delivery gender-affirming healthcare

Differentiate between the legal requirements for those people under or over 18 years

Understand the common medications prescribed for hormonal transition

Clarify the referral pathway to local services

Determine the role of general practice in our local trans healthcare

Speakers: DR KATIE WYNNE, Endocrinologist, John Hunter Hospital

DR ROBBIE TAIT, Paediatrician, John Hunter Children’s Hospital

Learn More Learn more about Healthcare for Trans youth
Events - Submitted

Using an intergenerational lens when working with children and parents

This webinar will explore what an intergenerational lens is, and how practitioners can use it to better understand families and the interrelated nature of historical factors that inform a family’s current challenges or disadvantages including: mental health concerns, financial difficulties, family and domestic violence, homelessness, poverty, and child protection issues.

Learn More Learn more about Using an intergenerational lens when working with children and parents
Events - Submitted

The Newcastle Men's Table - Entree

This Entree will establish a Newcastle Men's Table that will ultimately meet in-person. In the interim, due to the pandemic lockdown, we will run this entree event on Zoom and support the founding members to commence as a virtual Table.

The Men’s Table is a preventative men’s mental health and community-building initiative, providing a simple, low-cost, grassroots approach. It helps men build meaningful male friendships by creating safe places to share, overcoming the stigma that “men don’t talk”.

Our vision is Healthy Men, Healthy Masculinities, Healthy Communities.
The Men’s Table enables adult men to meet on a monthly basis with the same group of men to share a meal and talk openly about their feelings, and the highs and lows that are impacting their lives and well-being.

Learn More Learn more about The Newcastle Men's Table - Entree
Events - Submitted

Launch of the National Safety and Quality Primary and Community Healthcare Standards

Register now for the launch of Australia’s first safety and quality standards for primary and community health care. Find out what the National Safety and Quality Primary and Community Healthcare Standards will mean for services and the people who use them. Implementing these standards will give patients confidence that their service is committed to delivering – and continuously improving – safe, high-quality health care.

Hear from the experts
Join us to learn about this important new framework and hear from our guest speakers on:

The development of the standards
How they will benefit patients and consumers
Why healthcare services should implement them
Next steps for accreditation and available support.

Learn More Learn more about Launch of the National Safety and Quality Primary and Community Healthcare Standards
Events - Submitted

Early Detection & Management of Chronic Kidney Disease

Kidney Health Australia’s Education Program in partnership with The Primary Health Network is pleased to present an interactive case study based workshop.

Learning Outcomes:

• Describe the elements of the assessment for Chronic Kidney Disease (Kidney Health Check)

• Outline the recommendations for a kidney health check

• Define the treatment options to delay progression of kidney disease

Learn More Learn more about Early Detection & Management of Chronic Kidney Disease
Events - Submitted

Masterclass on the Oral Contraceptive Pill

Register for our upcoming online masterclass on the oral contraceptive pill (OPC) for the latest understanding around the physiology, pharmacology and prescribing of oral contraception. Featuring leading women’s health expert Dr Terri Foran and a discussion panel of leading experts – Dr Deborah Bateson, Assoc Prof Rod Baber and Dr Lena Safro – this masterclass will cover a wide range of information on the OPC, including: • Basic physiology & Pharmacology • Basic, intermediate and advanced prescribing • Management of common side effects • Common questions • Curly cases and tricky scenarios
Learn More Learn more about Masterclass on the Oral Contraceptive Pill
Events - Submitted

Recruitment - Attracting GPs to your practice in the Hunter & Manning Regions

This session will discuss a range of issues to consider when working with a recruiter to attract GPs to join your practice.

The issues discussed will include:

• Building a relationship with a recruiter

• Identifying the Unique Selling Points of your practice and the position

• Area, location and lifestyle – what does your community offer doctors?

• Achieving results through your job advertising

• Identifying what employment experiences in your practice are valuable to candidates

Learn More Learn more about Recruitment - Attracting GPs to your practice in the Hunter & Manning Regions
Events - Submitted

Recruitment - Attracting GPs to your Practice in the Lake Macquarie region

This session will discuss a range of issues to consider when working with a recruiter to attract GPs to join your practice .

The issues discussed will include:

• Building a relationship with a recruiter

• Identifying the Unique Selling Points of your practice and the position

• Area, location and lifestyle – what does your community offer doctors?

• Achieving results through your job advertising

• Identifying what employment experiences in your practice are valuable to candidates

Learn More Learn more about Recruitment - Attracting GPs to your Practice in the Lake Macquarie region
Events - Submitted

Keeping Well during the Pandemic - Italian language

As part of October’s Mental Health Month, the Transcultural Mental Health Centre (TMHC) is organising a series of online webinars in multiple languages for members of CALD Communities.

The webinars will focus on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on our mental health and wellbeing, how to recognise symptoms of mental distress in ourselves and others and provide information on where to seek help. The webinars will also provide tips and skills on how to manage stress and keep well during this challenging time.

Learn More Learn more about Keeping Well during the Pandemic - Italian language
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