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Events - Submitted

Privacy Training Webinar - for Health Service Providers

This webinar provides intensive privacy training for health service providers on requirements regarding the handling of personal information under the Commonwealth Privacy Act's Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). The course provides industry-specific training, addressing obligations and scenarios specifically in the context of health services.

It equips participants with a detailed understanding of:

- legal requirements regarding managing personal information under the APPs;

- how to apply the laws in practical situations; and

- how to identify and manage privacy risks and incidents.

The course is held across 2 x 3 hr webinars (6 hrs total) on consecutive days. Participants are able to communicate with the facilitator by voice or text throughout the webinar in order to ask questions and discuss issues. Participant numbers are restricted to ensure optimal class sizes for learning and interaction.

Learn More Learn more about Privacy Training Webinar - for Health Service Providers
Events - Submitted

Stillbirth Prevention for Aboriginal Mob: Safer Baby Bundle

Despite Australia being one of the safest places globally to have a baby, for every 1,000 babies born, there are sadly six babies who will be born still (Stillbirth Centre for Research Excellence, 2021).For Aboriginal mob stillbirth occurrences continue to remain disproportionately high. It is imperative for Aboriginal health care providers to be informed, prepared and supported to prevent stillbirth and provide a more culturally inclusive health care environment.

In this webcast the Training Support Unit (TSU) will be joined by the Maternity and Neonatal Patient Safety Team at the Clinical Excellence Commission (CEC) as they introduce their professional role and the Safer Baby Bundle (the bundle) developed by the Stillbirth Centre for Research Excellence. The CEC panel will explore the importance of the Aboriginal health worker/practitioner role in preventing still birth and how to incorporate culturally safe and responsive care into midwifery, child and family healthcare and beyond.

Learn More Learn more about Stillbirth Prevention for Aboriginal Mob: Safer Baby Bundle
Events - Submitted

Assessing Fitness to Drive in older patients

Learning outcomes : At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

• Utilise the updated 2022 Assess Fitness to Drive AusRoads guidelines whenever driving fitness needs consideration

• Appropriately triage patients with mild to moderate cognitive impairment, in regards to their driving fitness, using simple screening tools

• Conduct difficult discussions around driving fitness with older patients, explaining the legal and moral responsibilities of medical practitioners around assessing fitness to drive, the impact of medical conditions on safe driving with patients and recognising the impact that the driving restrictions will have on patients’ lifestyles

Learn More Learn more about Assessing Fitness to Drive in older patients
Events - Submitted

Polypharmacy: effects and risks for your patient

Medicine use in older people involves a complex balance between managing disease and avoiding medicine-related problems. The higher prevalence of disease in older people with multiple comorbidities means they take more medicines, which increases the risk of adverse drug effects and interactions good practice requires regular review of a patient’s medicines, medical conditions, and comorbidities.

This webinar will discuss the following topics:

• Polypharmacy risks and effects on your patient

• Best practice and medication

• Polypharmacy and the older patient

• Medication review process

• Health Atlas and Polypharmacy.

Learn More Learn more about Polypharmacy: effects and risks for your patient
Events - Submitted

Diabetes Update Day Sydney 2022

The National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS), Diabetes NSW & ACT and Diabetes Queensland are pleased to announce Diabetes Update Day for health professionals will be returning in 2022. Join more than 400 delegates and Australia’s leading experts in diabetes to discuss the future of managing diabetes, preventing and treating complications, and clinical best practice.

Professional development hours will be available at this event.

Learn More Learn more about Diabetes Update Day Sydney 2022
Events - Submitted

HIV Update on Shared Care for Chronic Disease Management

People living with HIV can expect to live long and productive lives and HIV infection can be managed using a team-based interdisciplinary ‘shared care’ approach involving GPs, specialists, nurses, allied health and specialist support services. This shift to a chronic disease model means there is an increasingly important role for GPs and primary health care nurses to ensure that patients are offered comprehensive preventative care based on national guidelines. This online webinar will be presented on World AIDS Day by Dr Carole Khaw.
Learn More Learn more about HIV Update on Shared Care for Chronic Disease Management
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