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COVID-19 Vaccination for Vulnerable Populations Grants 2024.

The PHN is continuing to support the Government’s COVID-19 health management plan with short-term vaccination activities and strategies aimed to increase access to the COVID-19 vaccination among priority populations who cannot access or have difficulty accessing the COVID-19 vaccine through existing avenues.

In 2023/24 the PHN has rolled out over 70 grants to increase the uptake of COVID-19 vaccinations. These grants enabled over 19,900 COVID-19 vaccinations among priority populations, which is a great success. The PHN would like to thank all COVID-19 vaccination providers for their support and dedication to service.

To continue to provide support to organisations to deliver COVID-19 vaccinations to priority populations, Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network (the PHN) is offering another round of grants for eligible activities.

These activities may include support for transporting clients to vaccination clinics or services, providing extra staffing required to facilitate vaccinations either outreach or in-reach, and delivering additional operating hours to provide vaccinations.

The COVID-19 Vaccination for Priority Populations (VPP) Grants 2024 comprise thirty (30) grants in the fixed amount of $7,500 ex GST. Grant funding is available to General Practices, Pharmacies and Community Organisations with links to vaccination providers.

The grants will support providers to implement innovative, short term COVID-19 vaccination activities tailored to the needs of the priority populations.

Applicants will be requested to provide an overview of the types of activities planned, the estimated budget plan and an undertaking that they are able to deliver the required minimum number of COVID-19 vaccinations as stated in the guidelines. They will also need to declare they have not received funding for these activities from other funding sources.

The COVID-19 VPP Grants 2024 round is accessible via the PHN grants portal SmartyGrants, with applications opening on 12.08.2024.

All planned activities must be delivered by the deadline date, 31 December 2024.

Further information and details regarding eligible activities are available in the grant guidelines.

Applications open on 12.08.2024.

If you have any questions regarding this grant round, please contact the PHN Grants team on

To submit an application via SmartyGrants, please use the following link:


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