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Emergency Response Planning Tool (ERPT) Licence Grant 2024

In recent years, the Hunter New England and Central Coast area has been affected by various disasters, severe weather events, mass casualty events and the pandemic. In addition, cybersecurity incidents have become more prevalent across the sector, and staff shortages and frequent turnovers may make emergency planning processes more difficult.

In preparation for emergencies and disasters and to reduce their vulnerability, healthcare practices need to safeguard their staff and business continuity.

What is the ERPT Licence?

The RACGP Standards for General Practice (5th edition) require practices to have a contingency plan for adverse and unexpected events, including pandemics. The Emergency Response Planning Tool (ERPT) is an online resource supporting general practices to effectively plan, prepare, respond, and recover from the impacts of emergencies and disasters.

The PHN is proud to announce that it is supporting Hunter New England and Central Coast General Practices by making available a limited number of free one-year licenses for the ERPT tool, to strengthen their long-term disaster preparedness and resilience. 100 ERPT licences were distributed to Practices in 2023.

How does it work?
Practices will be able to use the system via an internet browser on a computer. Users are guided through a series of relevant modules, simplified with pre-populated information. Practices can complete it in stages or in one sitting. When finished, you will have a personalized practice emergency response plan. The toolkit’s information is updated regularly so you can rest assured that your business continuity plan is based on the most current available evidence and recommendations.

The ERPT is easy to use: The modules can be completed by anyone in the practice who would be involved in the emergency response – this can be a General Practitioner or delegated to a practice manager or specially assigned staff.

Grants for ERPT Licences
The grant will consist of a registration link to enable a log in for the annual license which includes access, all management, maintenance and support for 12 months for the ERPT.

The PHN will not continue to fund the ERPT after the 12 months. At the conclusion of the 12 months, general practices can choose to continue to use the ERPT by paying for ongoing licence fees, or they can choose to discontinue the licence and use the pdf plan created as a starting point for their own ongoing plan revisions.

How To Apply

The grants for the licences will be managed via an open round for general practices on the PHN’s grants portal SmartyGrants and awarded on a first in basis to eligible practices. The rounds will close once all ERPT licences have been allocated.

Successful candidates will need to register with the provider within 4 weeks of receiving the letter of offer for their licence to be valid.


  • General Practices in the Hunter New England and Central Coast PHN catchment.
  • New users.
  • Existing users: Practices who already use the ERPT toolkit are also eligible to apply, and will receive another 12 months on top of their existing license, if their current licence was not PHN funded,
  • For multisite practices, every practice location can receive one license. Please note that you will need to submit separate applications for each site.
  • General Practices that are intending to close or change ownership within the next 12 months are ineligible to apply
  • General Practices that received a PHN funded licence in 2023 are not eligible.
  • General Practices with outstanding grant commitments including reporting are not eligible.

For more information please read the grant guidelines available here

If you have any questions regarding the grant process, please contact the PHN Grants team on

If you have any questions regarding the content of the ERPT toolkit, please reach out to


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