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2024 Gold Sponsor

CS Health

Coal Services is an industry-owned organisation that provides health and safety services to the NSW coal industry. These include occupational health surveillance and exposure monitoring, workers compensation, mines rescue and training; all of which are connected through a common purpose - to ‘protect’.

CS Health is part of Coal Services’ Specialised Health and Safety Scheme. We work with industry to manage health risks and optimise workforce health and wellbeing.

Our services focus on prevention, monitoring and early detection of occupational illness that may result from hazard exposure in the workplace. Services include occupational medicals and periodic health surveillance, allied health and rehabilitation. We also work with our customers to develop and implement health strategies and education to help increase awareness of health issues and their prevention.

Our purpose: to protect

Our vision: to partner with industry for a safe workplace and a healthy workforce

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CS Health recognises the challenges that health professionals face in providing accessible and quality health services in regional and rural areas, where many NSW coal miner workers live and work. Sponsoring this event presents an opportunity to acknowledge the contributions of the PHN in these communities.

Kirsty Bates

General Manager, Health

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CS Health values our relationship with the PHN as together we can better understand and support each other’s efforts to deliver essential health services to care for those in our communities.

Monique Roberts

Head of Health Operations

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