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Cultural Training requirement for Commissioned Services

The PHN continues to work with Commissioned Services to improve the quality of our data in the Primary Mental Health Minimum Dataset (PMHC-MDS).

It is a high priority for HNECC PHN that 100% of services being delivered in our region are culturally safe, inclusive and welcoming for First Nations people and that this is reflected in our data.

With 1 in 4 clients indicating First Nations status in the PMHC-MDS, it is essential that practitioners servicing our region are trained to deliver culturally appropriate services.

Service practitioners are required to complete a recognised training programme in the delivery of culturally appropriate services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples if they are:

  • Not of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander status; or
  • Not employed by an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service

A practitioner is deemed to have completed a recognised training course if they have:

  • Undertaken specific training in the delivery of culturally appropriate mental health/health services for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. As a guide, recognised training programs include those endorsed by the Australian Indigenous Psychologists’ Association (AIPA) or similar organisation; or
  • Undertaken local cultural awareness training in the community in which they are practising, as delivered or endorsed by the elders of that community or the local Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service.

Currently 88.3% of Practitioners reporting into the PMHC-MDS are qualified to deliver culturally appropriate services and only 3.3% have indicated that they have not yet received cultural training. This means that 8.4% of Practitioners have missing or no cultural training recorded, which the PHN could assume as not having received culturally appropriate service training when monitoring program performance.

As all of the PHN's contractual KPIs include a 100% culturally appropriate service rate, being sure to update the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Training field (“ATSI Cultural Training”) in the PMHC-MDS once a practitioner has completed cultural training will help your organisation reach these targets. If this field has been left blank due to staff not yet completing a recognised training program, it must be prioritised that they are enrolled to do so in a timely manner.

If you are unsure of how your organisation is progressing toward the 100% culturally appropriate service KPI or how to access culturally appropriate service training, Commissioning Coordinators can assist with more information to support these activities.

More information and resources on culturally appropriate service training can also be found on our Commissioning Resources page and in our Data and Reporting Guidelines.

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