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News & Announcements

March 26 2024

Provider Connect Australia™ and the Primary Health Network host informative session led by ADHAs Julie Khoury

Aimed at enhancing the accuracy of healthcare service and practitioner information, Hunter New England Central Coast Primary Health Network (the PHN) collaborated with the Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) to host an education session on Provider Connect Australia™ (PCA™).

Learn more about Provider Connect Australia™ and the Primary Health Network host informative session led by ADHAs Julie Khoury
January 19 2024

#StrongerTogether 2024 PHN Allied Health Conference

Allied Health professionals, practice staff and owners in the Allied Health sector, Allied Health students, and other clinicians interested in collaborative work within the Hunter, New England and Central Coast regions are invited to join us at Oaks Cypress Lakes Resort for the PHN's second Allied Health Conference which will be held on Thursday 9th May 2024.

Learn more about #StrongerTogether 2024 PHN Allied Health Conference
September 06 2023

World Physiotherapy Day September 8 - Team develop innovative program to rehabilitate Long COVID patients.

In celebration of World Physiotherapy Day, September 8, the PHN explored this year’s theme ‘Rehabilitation and Long COVID - how to take part’ discovering an innovative, multidisciplinary Long COVID rehabilitation program established by ATUNE Health Centres.

Learn more about World Physiotherapy Day September 8 - Team develop innovative program to rehabilitate Long COVID patients.
Health Professionals, stay up to date with the latest PHN news in your region
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