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Events - Submitted

Narrabri NSW-HNELHD Palliative and End of Life Care Road Show (PEPA NSW)

Aim of workshop: to improve health professionals' knowledge, skills, and confidence in the palliative approach to care for people with a life-limiting illness. The workshops are interactive and provide time for discussion through case presentations and examples.

Topics include: Principles/models of palliative care; symptom management; pharmacy in palliative care; communication, teamwork and self care; case studies; overview of PEPA and placement opportunities.

Intended workshop audience: ALL persons working in Hospital, Community, Aged Care or GP Practice settings, regardless of their discipline or palliative care knowledge.

Learn More Learn more about Narrabri NSW-HNELHD Palliative and End of Life Care Road Show (PEPA NSW)
Events - Submitted

Armidale NSW-HNELHD Palliative and End of Life Care Road Show (PEPA NSW)

Aim of workshop: to improve health professionals' knowledge, skills, and confidence in the palliative approach to care for people with a life-limiting illness. The workshops are interactive and provide time for discussion through case presentations and examples.

Topics include: Principles/models of palliative care; symptom management; pharmacy in palliative care; communication, teamwork and self care; case studies; overview of PEPA and placement opportunities.

Intended workshop audience: ALL persons working in Hospital, Community, Aged Care or GP Practice settings, regardless of their discipline or palliative care knowledge.

(On Sale 05/01/2023 at 9:00am)

Learn More Learn more about Armidale NSW-HNELHD Palliative and End of Life Care Road Show (PEPA NSW)
Events - Submitted

Let's Talk About Sex: Sexuality and Sexual Difficulties

This 2-day online multidisciplinary course on Sexuality and Sexual Difficulties is relevant for all health practitioners, trainees and students. It will discuss the need to talk about sex, address the obstacles, and will empower the registrants to raise and discuss topics of sexuality and sexual difficulties with their patients. It will cover the assessment and management of common sexual difficulties, from a bio-psycho-socio-cultural perspective, provide educational resources and an overview of therapeutic options.

It will be held on Friday 17 and Saturday 25 March 2023 and will once again be fully online enabling those who are not able to travel to Melbourne, to participate.
Early bird registration will end on 19 February 2023 and registrations will close on 13 March 2023.

Learn More Learn more about Let's Talk About Sex: Sexuality and Sexual Difficulties
Events - Submitted

MIA Nurse Webinar: Managing Immunotherapy Side Effects

Nurses are instrumental in ensuring immunotherapy is delivered safely to their patients. Managing toxicities, educating patients and ensuring patients receive the right care at the right time is crucial. In our latest webinar from the MIA Nurse Webinar Series, Medical Oncology CNC Kate Willis will explain the nurses’ role in managing side effects, share her tips and talk through case studies for treating melanoma patients on immunotherapy. Learning outcomes: 1. Describe how immunotherapy works in treating melanoma. 2. Identify common toxicities to immunotherapy and how they should be managed.
Learn More Learn more about MIA Nurse Webinar: Managing Immunotherapy Side Effects
Events - Submitted

Evidence-informed decision making: Using research evidence to inform practice

This webinar:

• introduces frameworks and evidence about what helps to support research use within organisations

• discusses the barriers and enablers of integrating research into practice and provide examples of approaches to support evidence-informed practice

• provides examples of how organisations and practitioners have successfully combined research evidence with other types of knowledge to create impact or change.

This webinar is designed for program planners and practice managers involved in practice and organisational decision making. Practitioners looking for opportunities to strengthen evidence-informed decision making in their organisation, and researchers wanting to improve implementation of research findings will also find it useful.

Learn More Learn more about Evidence-informed decision making: Using research evidence to inform practice
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