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PHN launches Veterans Connect service in a bid to reduce suicide.

The Hunter New England Central Coast Primary Health Network (PHN) has announced the launch of a care navigation service with the objective of reducing mental health disorders and suicide among veterans and their families due to the timely receipt of appropriate healthcare. The service also aims to improve the health literacy of clients.

Learn More Learn more about PHN launches Veterans Connect service in a bid to reduce suicide.
Events - Submitted

CPR – Resuscitation Skills (BLS-CPR) For General Practice

5 Category 2 CPR CPD Points from RACGP via Medics for Life

1 Performance review PDP unit, 2 Educational activity PDP units for ACRRM members

Basic Life Support (CPR) course specifically designed for all the practice team and all primary care settings

Includes separate clinical components for GP and nursing staff, using practice comparable equipment

Certificate of Completion will be provided

Learn More Learn more about CPR – Resuscitation Skills (BLS-CPR) For General Practice
Events - Submitted

Forster NSW-Multi Cultural Diversity end of life in our ageing population (PEPA NSW)

Aim of workshop: Develop an understanding of a palliative approach and how Culture influences end of life care. The workshops are interactive and provide ample time for discussion through case presentations and examples.

Topics include: What is a palliative approach; what is end of life; what is Culture and how does it influence end of life care; CaLD beliefs and values around death and dying; culturally appropriate communication skills; overview of PEPA and placement opportunities.

Intended workshop audience: ALL persons working in Aged Care Setting primarily but also open to ALL clinical and non-clinical persons currently working across ALL health settings (RACF, community, hospital, GP practice, etc) including volunteers. This is NOT a clinical day - this session focuses on 'what is Culture' and how Culture influences the palliative approach and end of life.

Learn More Learn more about Forster NSW-Multi Cultural Diversity end of life in our ageing population (PEPA NSW)
Events - Submitted

Scone NSW-HNELHD Palliative and End of Life Care Road Show (PEPA NSW)

Aim of workshop: to improve health professionals' knowledge, skills, and confidence in the palliative approach to care for people with a life-limiting illness. The workshops are interactive and provide time for discussion through case presentations and examples

Topics include: Principles/models of palliative care; symptom management; pharmacy in palliative care; communication, teamwork and self care; case studies; overview of PEPA and placement opportunities.

Intended workshop audience: ALL persons working in Hospital, Community, Aged Care or GP Practice settings, regardless of their discipline or palliative care knowledge.

Learn More Learn more about Scone NSW-HNELHD Palliative and End of Life Care Road Show (PEPA NSW)
Events - Submitted

Narrabri NSW-HNELHD Palliative and End of Life Care Road Show (PEPA NSW)

Aim of workshop: to improve health professionals' knowledge, skills, and confidence in the palliative approach to care for people with a life-limiting illness. The workshops are interactive and provide time for discussion through case presentations and examples.

Topics include: Principles/models of palliative care; symptom management; pharmacy in palliative care; communication, teamwork and self care; case studies; overview of PEPA and placement opportunities.

Intended workshop audience: ALL persons working in Hospital, Community, Aged Care or GP Practice settings, regardless of their discipline or palliative care knowledge.

Learn More Learn more about Narrabri NSW-HNELHD Palliative and End of Life Care Road Show (PEPA NSW)
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