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Events - Submitted

Diabetes in General Practice: Improve business and care

This webinar will discuss how to improve diabetes care and business in general practice. A General Practitioner and Credentialled Diabetes Educator will outlines and share their multidisciplinary approach to optimise care, improve the lives of those living with diabetes and remuneration.

Learning Objectives:

• Describe the role of a Credentialled Diabetes Educator working in a general practice

• Identify how a Credentialled Diabetes Educator can help with the management and care of people living with diabetes

• Identify how interdisciplinary collaboration can improve diabetes management and remuneration.

We ask for any pre questions to please be sent to

Presenters : Dr Hayley Skidmore MBBS, Donna Wellins Advanced Practice Pharmacist B. Pharm CDE PSA AACP

Learn More Learn more about Diabetes in General Practice: Improve business and care
Events - Submitted

Allied Health Professionals: Are you on HealthPathways?

Please join us for a webinar on Hunter New England and Central Coast HealthPathways. HealthPathways is a single source of credible, evidence informed, clinical information. This one hour session will explain the benefits of using the online platform and how it can support your service.

Come and find out how, by being involved in HealthPathways, your service’s referral information is made available to primary care providers throughout the HNECC region.

Learn More Learn more about Allied Health Professionals: Are you on HealthPathways?
Events - Submitted

The 4th National NDIS and Mental Health Conference

The 4th National NDIS and Mental Health Conference comes at a critical time when both the NDIS and the services that surround it will be seeking to make real the great promise of the scheme as an investment in recovery, capacity building and wellbeing. All scheme participants, families and providers will be affected by this much needed development and this event looks forward to welcoming those to be included in a great discussion.
Learn More Learn more about The 4th National NDIS and Mental Health Conference
Events - Submitted

Healing the Healers Doctors' Retreat

The Healing the Healers retreat is designed especially for doctors who are worn out and in need of a time of rest and renewal. Led by Dr Claire Noonan and Dr. Amy Imms, participants will explore new skills and psychological strategies to implement when facing life challenges, as well as enjoying a variety of movement classes, creative writing, great food, and other fun activities in a peer group environment. Come and connect with other doctors, enjoy a chance to relax and step away from the pressures of your everyday life and work. We hope participants will be inspired and reinvigorated, perhaps re-entering work and life with some new strategies at hand to sustain their wellbeing.
Learn More Learn more about Healing the Healers Doctors' Retreat
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