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Events - Submitted

WONCA 2023

WONCA 2023 will showcase leading knowledge and world class practices in clinical care to equip you to be at the forefront of world’s best practice in family medicine. The conference provides an extraordinary opportunity for GPs and family doctors from all over the world to share their experiences and learn from each other. Plan for the travel experience of a lifetime. Sydney Harbour is one of the world's most beautiful natural harbours, and there’s other iconic Australian destinations both near and far. From the Outback in Uluru to the Great Barrier Reef to the tropical terrain of Kakadu National Park, and much more.
Learn More Learn more about WONCA 2023
Events - Submitted

Hunter Wound Interest Group

Burns presented by Peter Campbell, Nurse Practitioner in Burns and Plastics, Royal North Shore Hospital. Held at the Club Maitland City in the Diamond room, the education evening includes a light supper and time to network with industry representatives. The education will cover Emergency Burn Management, Burn assessment and management, Referral processes and Telehealth with Burn Ambulatory Care services and liaison.

RSVP to mobile number 0490 409 606 by Monday 13th February.

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