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News & Announcements

July 06 2023

Getting vaccinated against Japanese Encephalitis (JEV)

While the temperatures are cold and mosquito numbers are low, now is the best time to start preparing yourself against mosquito-borne disease this coming summer. Getting vaccinated against JEV is a great first step you can take before the mosquito season begins, to ensure you’re giving yourself the highest level of protection from the disease.

Learn more about Getting vaccinated against Japanese Encephalitis (JEV)
June 30 2023

Forty-three per cent of PHN employees participate in The Lift Project mental wellness program

In 2023 the People & Culture team implemented the PHN Wellbeing Strategy 2023 to 2025 which is underpinned by the evidence based Thrive at Work framework. The framework promotes a holistic approach that not only focuses on helping unwell people get well again, but also on helping people stay well and be the best they can be.

Learn more about Forty-three per cent of PHN employees participate in The Lift Project mental wellness program
June 30 2023

Allied Health Reconnection Grants seek to enhance multidisciplinary care.

Among the many health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the disruption of access to healthcare was significant for many patients, particularly those with chronic conditions. In recognition of this, the PHN launched the Allied Health Reconnection Grants in March 2023 seeking to enhance opportunities for clinicians to work together in a multidisciplinary patient-centred approach.

Learn more about Allied Health Reconnection Grants seek to enhance multidisciplinary care.
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