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News & Announcements

March 04 2024

Supporting Digital Health Change - Survey

Engage with the PHN’s Health-e Together Digital Care Toolbox: Your Insights Matter

Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network (the PHN) continues its commitment to advancing digital health initiatives to support the primary healthcare workforce. Your insights are crucial in shaping how we communicate the future of digital healthcare delivery, and we believe your perspective will greatly contribute to the success of our efforts.

Learn more about Supporting Digital Health Change - Survey
February 02 2024

Online Learning for Digital Health Literacy

We are delighted to share an initiative by the Australian Digital Health Agency that aims to enhance the digital health literacy of health care professionals, both patients and their carers. In an era where technology is transforming the healthcare landscape, healthcare professionals must guide their patients in navigating and utilising digital health tools effectively.

Learn more about Online Learning for Digital Health Literacy
January 11 2024

Start the year strong by registering for Provider Connect Australia

As we step into the new year, there’s an efficient way to update the business details of GPs and other healthcare providers moving in and out of your practice. The free Provider Connect Australia™ (also known as PCA™), an initiative of the Australian Digital Health Agency (the Agency), provides a single place to update your business information and services, which can automatically update your National Health Service Directory (NHSD) listing and your local Primary Health Network.

Learn more about Start the year strong by registering for Provider Connect Australia
December 08 2023

Digital Health Assessment reveals solid foundations for improvements in digital maturity.

The Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network (HNECC PHN) has completed a comprehensive digital health maturity assessment for more than 300 health facilities revealing a higher score of digital maturity across the HNECC region in comparison to other PHN regions.

Learn more about Digital Health Assessment reveals solid foundations for improvements in digital maturity.
November 14 2023

SafeScript NSW’s new approval management functionality

SafeScript NSW’s new approval management functionality will mean that prescribers (medical, nurse and dental practitioners) will be able to apply online for approval to prescribe or supply certain Schedule 8 medicines (in some cases, be issued approvals in real time), monitor application progress, view patient approval (previously referred to as an authority) history, have visibility of the number of active approvals held and see all approvals held within their organisations.

Learn more about SafeScript NSW’s new approval management functionality
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