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LINK for Support

Primary care’s one-stop referral and advice point for patients impacted by domestic and family violence.

If a patient has been identified as experiencing DFV, LINK for support through a simple one-stop referral pathway, designed to support you, in supporting your patients.

What is a DFV Local LINK?

The DFV Local LINK is a Domestic and Family Violence specialist who can support both patients and clinicians, by providing:

  • Safety planning and risk assessment
  • Links to appropriate supports and services
  • Telephone advice and support
  • Feedback to clinicians on the outcome of the referral
Practice Point

To refer to your DFV Local Link, please use the DFV Action Plan found here

Referring to appropriate services requires a two-step process:
  • Identify the patient’s wants and needs
  • Referral

However, there may also be a time that you need to engage in a crisis response.

Crisis Response

There are several scenarios in which an immediate referral is indicated. These include when a patient:

  • Is unsafe to leave the surgery,
  • Has been subject to actual or attempted strangulation, choking, or asphyxiation,
  • Has been subject to physical injury requiring investigation and treatment,
  • Has been subject to sexual assault,
  • Is unsafe to return home,
  • Returns a score of Serious Threat in a DVSAT,
  • There is a child or young person at risk of harm.

Where a patient is at serious threat, there is legal provision to make referrals without patient consent.

Unsafe to leave the surgery

If you determine that your patient cannot safely leave the surgery, immediately call 000.

Referral without consent

According to Part 13A of the Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007, patient consent is not required for information sharing if the practitioner believes the person is at serious threat and that the information sharing is necessary to lessen the threat (Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007 No 80, 2022).

If you are unsure if you should refer without consent, we recommend using the DVSAT or contacting your Domestic Family Violence Local LINK, Domestic Violence Line (1800 656 463), or 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) for additional support.

Unsafe to leave the surgery

If you determine that your patient cannot safely leave the surgery, immediately call 000.

Actual or attempted strangulation, choking, or asphyxiation

Even where a patient does not present with obvious bruising or injury, non-fatal strangulation, choking, or asphyxiation can cause internal injury and increase the risk of acquired brain injury, heart attack, bleeding, blood clots, aneurysms, paralysis, stroke, disability, and death. This risk can persist for years post assault.

Refer your patient to the local emergency department with a referral detailing the nature of the assault, that you know or suspect that the patient is a victim of DFV and requesting relevant investigation and treatment. If possible, call the emergency department to advise them that the patient will be attending and ask for support from the Violence Abuse and Neglect Team.

Physical injury requiring investigation and treatment

Refer your patient to the local emergency department with a referral detailing the nature of the assault, that you know or suspect that the patient is a victim of DFV, and requesting relevant investigation and treatment. If possible, call the emergency department to advise them that the patient will be attending.

Sexual assault

The presence of sexual assault generally indicated the patient is at serious threat. Work with your patient to identify what kind of support they would like. The patient may have already identified a service they wish to use. Other referral options include:

Patient wants and needs

The DFV Primary Action Plan provides you with a Patient Plan to support patient led identification of needs, goals, management and referrals. We recommend using the Patient Plan with combination your existing skills in motivational interviewing and non-directive problem solving and goal setting.

This will help you understand the needs of your patient, make appropriate referrals, and continue to build a trusting relationship.


When you and your patient have established what support they require, you can use the DFV Primary Care Action Plan as a referral document to your DFV local Link or WDVCAS.

If it is after hours and your patient would like immediate support, consider a referral to the Domestic Violence Line (1800 656 463), Men's Line Australia (1300 789 978), or ACON.

Victim Services - Certificate of Injury

Patients who have been injured during or following a violent crime may apply for support through the NSW Government as part of the Victims Support Scheme. In most cases they must present documents to verify that they were injured due to a violent crime.

A "Certificate of Injury" is intended to be used for verification and in most cases, the patient will be required to present this document to verify that they were injured due to a violent crime or modern slavery. Learn more.

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