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Gloucester & Stroud

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Located in the western district of Midcoast Council are the rural centres of Gloucester and Stroud.

European exploration of the Gloucester area began in the early 1800s. The region was named by Surveyor-General Sir Thomas Mitchell in 1826 after the British city of Gloucester. The first European settlers arrived in the 1820s, primarily engaging in agriculture and timber extraction.

Gloucester's fertile land and abundant natural resources, including rich soil and extensive forests, attracted settlers who established farms and timber operations. Dairy farming, beef production, and timber milling became prominent industries, shaping the local economy for generations.

The town sits in its own valley at the junction of three rivers - the Gloucester, Avon and Barrington - in the upper catchment of the Manning River. These waters that were born in the high-altitude wetlands of Barrington Tops eventually meet the sea via the Manning River double delta at Harrington. It is the closest town to renowned wilderness destinations in the Barrington Tops parklands, Woko and Copeland Tops.

The development of transportation infrastructure played a crucial role in Gloucester's history, facilitating trade and communication with neighbouring towns and cities. The railway arrived in the late 19th century, further connecting Gloucester to broader markets, and accelerating its development.

Over the years, Gloucester evolved from a rural outpost into a thriving community. Its population grew, supported by diverse industries such as agriculture, tourism, and small-scale manufacturing. The town's charming character, friendly locals, and picturesque surroundings attracted visitors and new residents alike.

Today, Gloucester continues to evolve, embracing innovation while honouring its heritage. Sustainable practices, eco-tourism, and community initiatives contribute to its resilience and vitality.

Situated 30 minutes’ drive from Gloucester, Stroud is a small, picturesque village known for its large number of convict-era buildings. It was created in the 1820s and 1830s as a company town for the Australian Agricultural Company which means that much of it was planned and the most significant buildings were constructed by the company's convict workforce who made the bricks by hand.

Agriculture, particularly dairy farming and beef production became the primary economic activities in Stroud. The town's location near rich agricultural land and forests supported its growth. Timber milling also played a significant role in the local economy, with the extraction of timber from the surrounding forests.

Over the years, Stroud has developed a strong sense of community, with residents actively participating in local events, festivals, and initiatives. Agriculture remains an important part of the town's identity, with the annual Stroud Show celebrating rural life and traditions.

In recent years, Stroud has seen modernisation while still retaining its rural charm. The town has diversified its economy to include tourism, arts, and crafts, attracting visitors with its scenic beauty and historical attractions. Conservation efforts continue to preserve the natural environment and cultural heritage of the area.

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