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Partner opportunities in Glen Innes

According to Glen Innes Highlands, the town is ideal for tree-changers, telecommuters, semi-retirees and active retirees, boutique/specialist agricultural producers, artisans and manufacturers, and creative professionals such as architects and designers.

According to a recent survey, our tree changers over the last ten years have been across all age groups with just under half under the age of 44, almost 60 per cent married with children and almost 54 per cent with a Graduate or Bachelor degree. Why did they move here? Family, climate, work, community, business, country living, health, business opportunity and affordability were some of the main reasons according to our survey.

The region’s major industry specialisations include agriculture, forestry and fishing, health care and social assistance cohort, retail trade, followed by accommodation and food services and education and training.

For business support, visit the Glen Innes Business Chamber.

Glen Innes Highlands Business and Community Hub

The Glen Innes Highlands Business & Community Hub (Physical) project will create a central place where community and council come together with a common purpose of creating a thriving local economy and a socially prosperous community.

This is a key initiative from the new Economic Development Strategy 2020-2040 and Action Plan 2020-2025 for Glen Innes Highlands.

Highlands Hub Co-working, Meeting and Training Facility

Glen Innes Severn Council received a grant from the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund jointly funded by the Commonwealth and the NSW Government under Disaster Funding Arrangements.

The “Old Holden Building” showroom has been transformed and activated to provide a place where people can hire, meet, learn or teach - from hot desks to meeting rooms and a community coworking lounge - you can join us for an hour, a day, a week, a month or longer. Learn more.

GROW Glen Innes Think Tank

GROW Glen Innes Think Tank (GGITT) is a Partnership initiative to facilitate connection and collaboration in the community.

GGITT participants are a collection of people who are interested in collaborating with Council to provide their experience, education and ideas across key elements of the 2020-2025 Economic Development Action Plan. Learn more.

Digital Connectivity

With National Broadband Network connectivity (NBN) and continually improving mobile network coverage, families and individuals that have the ability to work remotely while based in Glen Innes.

With NBN and mobile network coverage, businesses can benefit from relocating to Glen Innes Highlands by having reduced rents, less commuting time for workers, and a more stable workforce.

Microbusinesses in the region can also benefit by accessing a much greater market through digital platforms.

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