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In the last years, the Hunter New England and Central Coast has been affected by various disasters, including floods, bushfires, drought, the Covid-19 pandemic and a rodent plague. ​

Emergencies and disasters may affect primary care providers and their staff, and the community they work and live in, and may cause multisystemic losses. ​

Please note: Follow the advice of first responding lead agencies at all times. ​

Is your business continuity affected by a disaster / emergency?
Please alert the PHN.

The PHN is actively supporting primary care providers who are affected by disasters and emergencies:

  • Coordinating the PHN Emergency Register [Link Coming Soon]​
  • Providing wellbeing support for providers and their staff
  • Providing helpful resources on HealthPathways

HealthPathways is NOT designed to be used by patients or general community members and as such a user name and password are required to use the site. Clinicians without access can request password details by contacting us.

Keep up to date: Alerts and declarations for your area.

Profile image of Hazards Near Me (App)

Hazards Near Me (App)

Local emergencies

Find current information about local emergencies, including bushfires, floods, tsunamis and advice on what to do to stay safe

Profile image of Emergency Plus App

Emergency Plus App

GPS for emergency

Developed by Australia’s emergency services and their Government and industry partners, the SES GPS functionality built into smart phones to help a Triple Zero (000) caller provide critical location details required to mobilise emergency services

Profile image of NSW Rural Fire Service: Fire Danger Ratings and Bans

NSW Rural Fire Service: Fire Danger Ratings and Bans

Fire danger rating

Fire danger ratings give you an indication of the consequences of a fire if one was to start. The higher the fire danger, the more dangerous the conditions.

Profile image of NSW Live Traffic

NSW Live Traffic

Traffic updates

Find incidents along your route.

Profile image of ABC Listen Radio App

ABC Listen Radio App

ABC Radio

Find your national network and local station.

Profile image of Bureau of Meteorology – Warnings

Bureau of Meteorology – Warnings

Weather warnings

Provides a summary of the valid weather warnings issued in each State.

Profile image of NSW Natural Disaster Declarations

NSW Natural Disaster Declarations

LGAs affected by Natural Disaster

Frequently updated list of Local Government Areas (LGAs) that have been impacted by a natural disaster. With a disaster declaration for their area, affected communities and individuals can access a range of special assistance measures.

Profile image of

natural disaster map

Natural disaster map with national warning and incident maps, hotspots, wind overlays, notifications

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