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Project ECHO

Project ECHO is a free, interactive, online and evidence-based model which places healthcare providers from diverse settings in direct contact with subject matter experts, empowering them to provide best practice care for their local communities.

Participation in ECHO involves a commitment to attend regular sessions at a set time, and to discuss de-identified cases with colleagues and with the expert panel.

This network aims to deliver mentoring and support for GP's, psychologists and other health professionals working with patients presenting with comorbidity in mental health and drug and alcohol.

A key objective of the initiative is to build genuine professional linkages between GPs and professionals working across mental health and drugs and alcohol, to strengthen the provision of integrated and high-quality support for this cohort.

A project ECHO session follows a one-hour agenda that includes a 10-minute subject matter expert presentation followed by a real case study presentation delivered by professionals needing recommendations for their patients. The ECHO session requires active thinking and the formation of professional opinions which is then contributed to a group discussion.

The number of participants at a subject ECHO is 25-30. Commonly prior to an ECHO session there will be an information webinar to allow for as much learning on the topic.

Project ECHO sessions are not recorded for distribution purposes.

What is Project Echo?

Benefits of Project ECHO to health professionals

COMING SOON | Project ECHO at the PHN

Upcoming ECHOS

Note - Topics are subject to change

If you have a topic for ECHO session as either a case study or subject matter expert, please contact

Dana Harris

Professional Development Officer IAR and ECHO
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