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Rural Generalist Single Employer Pathway

What is the NSW Rural Generalist Single Employer Pathway?

The Rural Generalist Single Employer Pathway (RGSEP) is a co-ordinated and supported pathway for junior doctors seeking a career as a rural generalist. Rural generalist trainees on the pathway are employed for up to four years by a rural Local Health District (LHD) while completing training in primary care and hospital settings.

The pathway supports rural generalist trainees to complete their training and advanced skills training with a single employer. It provides them with one contract for the length of their training. (A contract with an employing LHD can last up to four years depending on the trainee's stage of training). This allows trainees to keep their entitlements (for example, sick leave, annual leave, parental leave), as all other Specialist trainees employed by NSW Health do.

The RGSEP is currently available in the Hunter New England Region and is coming soon to the Central Coast Region.

How can your practice join the RGSEP?

​GP practices interested in becoming part of the RGSEP should register their interest​​​ and a member of the RGSEP team will be in touch with more information. ​

To be eligible to participate in the program, your practice and supervisor must be accredited by the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) and/or the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) to be a GP Registrar Training Practice and GP Supervisor.

Your practice must have the capacity and infrastructure to accommodate a GP trainee, and the ability to provide supervision both in the practice. This can be in Modified Monash Model 2-7 towns. Although an attractive offering, it is not necessary for you to be operating as a GP VMO, as this component of training can be supported by other means.

View the full list of FAQs on the NSW Health Website

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